Sunday 18 December 2011

We can not be rigid

This morning I could not motivate myself to get out of bed. Every part of my body was just too tired to move. Too worn to face another day.  I watched the night turn into day as the darkness gave way to sunlight streaming through my windows. And usually I like to watch the darkness turn into light to remind myself that regardless of whatever I am feeling the darkness always gives way to the light.  This morning I didn’t want this reminder. I wanted darkness. I needed the darkness not the light. So I was even angry with the sun this morning.
And what made matters worse was that I was expecting today to be gloomy and dark. I was actually hoping it would be to match the melancholy I was feeling. But the day and the Universe had something different planned for me.  Together they conspired to make me see the light today. They wanted me to push away my sadness. They wanted me to understand that I have to accept the unexpected and not to project my feelings of what should have been into life. What the day and the universe were trying to tell me is that all I have is the present moment and I need to live in it and appreciate it.
After lying in bed trying to shut out the light that was stubbornly getting brighter and brighter,  my back started to hurt because my body is not used to being in bed for so long so I got up. I walked into the bathroom and pulled up the blinds and there in front of me was a lone pink rose, swaying and bending in the breeze. The rose was so sunny, so bright, so happy, so full of life that immediately my mood lifted. I felt a tingle go through my body. I felt a lightness in my spirit. I felt possibility pour back into my soul.
I walked outside and took a picture of my angel, the rose, and with each photo I took, I saw just how beautiful this lone little pink rose was and I realised once again the universe was sending me a message. It is really windy outside and though my rose is fragile and dainty, it is strong enough to bend and flex in the wind, holding itself up no matter what. Facing the wind and still holding on to what it is. And that’s when I knew the Universe was trying to tell me even in our most fragile states, we have what it takes to stand tall and strong against any adversary that comes our way as long as we remember we can’t be rigid. We have to bend and flex just like my rose is doing today while holding on to who we are.
So now I am ready to face this day. Without expectation. Without worrying about tomorrow. Without question. And it’s all thanks to my little pink rose and the Universe reminding me about who I am and what I am capable of no matter what adversary stands in my way. 

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