Tuesday 20 December 2011

Slow down and smell the roses

I am on a real nature kick at the moment because it never fails to amaze me. Spending time in nature when the world seems to be working against us can be so inspiring because of its resilience and beauty.
I was walking up the steps to my front door yesterday in the blustery cold weather when the rose bush my family gave to me for Mother’s Day caught my eye. If you haven’t guessed by now, roses are in the group of my favourite flowers.
The rose bush was full of yellow tiny delicate roses. All around my yard was wreckage from the wind. Branches were  down. Leaves were strewn all over the grass. My yard looked like it had been through a tornado. Yet I stepped onto my porch and there in front of me was this beautiful rose bush totally undaunted by the assault that was going on all around it.
The roses were dainty, perfect, feminine and just full of life and they looked like sunshine. I stopped and took a photograph. Turning the bush around trying to get the perfect angle and that’s when I saw there were buds ready to burst into life.
Immediately I felt happy and elated because it was so rewarding to see even in the midst of all the chaos around, this special rose bush given to me on Mother’s Day by my family was trying to show me that there is sunshine all the time. We just have to slow down sometimes to appreciate it. We just have to be open to see it because there is joy everywhere even on those days when it does not feel like it.
Slow down sometimes and look around at nature particularly when you are having a bad day and see how quickly your mood changes because nature has a way of reflecting back to us what we are feeling or what we need.
Thank you beautiful yellow roses for making my day and helping to lighten my load.

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