Friday 16 December 2011

We are where we are meant to be

Sometimes in life you end up in places you never thought you would be in or having to make choices you never thought you would have to make but ultimately you end up exactly where you need to be.
Life takes us on a wild ride sometimes, leaving us kicking and screaming and shaking our heads about the direction we end up going in. But as long as we hang on and keep the end in view, which was actually my old high school's motto, Respice Finem, the destination is always the same.
I read a card that resonated so much with me, particularly this line, "Walk your path one step at a time with courage, faith and determination. Keep your head up and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm and your footing will be solid again."
It's difficult when you're in the thick of obstacles to see the light sometimes but it is always there as long as you have faith, determination and courage and always, always keep the end in view. Life is about obstacles and finding our way through them.
Life has a way of putting us in situations that challenge us beyond belief but once we get through them we are on a path that we never dreamed possible. Every step we take is a step in the right direction even if it feels like it is a step in the wrong direction. Because what we have to remember is there is no right or wrong in life. Just lessons.
This is my mantra for the day and hopefully just like I had angels come into my life today to help me to explore more about me, so will you. All you have to do is ask and it shall be given if it is meant for you. And be prepared for what you asked for not to come in exactly the way you had planned but eventually you will get what is needed in your life if you have patience, perseverance and faith.

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