Wednesday 7 December 2011

Patience is a virtue to behold

Patience is one of the best virtues we can ever learn. It is also one of the most difficult and challenging virtues to maintain. But when we do understand and accept the significance of having patience, we tap into the abundance of this vast and giving universe.
It is only through having patience that we take the time to reflect on what decisions will suit us most. With patience we learn how important it is to wait for opportunities that are best for our growth.
In a world where everything is instant, it is very difficult to be patient because we have grown used to instant gratification. But what I am finding more and more is that instant gratification is often quickly replaced by regret particularly when we have been rushed into making decisions based on fear. Fear is a derivative of ego which is laced with insecurity, the need to please and vulnerability.
If we stepped out of fear based thinking which is very difficult to do because we are living in a fear based culture, we would find patience is the key to our success. Because patience allows us the time to develop the understanding that once we show gratitude for all that we have rather than focusing on all that we do not have, abundance flows freely to us.
Patience provides a window to our souls because it allows us to clearly see we are the creators of our destinies because we learn through being still that whatever thoughts we project to the universe are the very things we attract into our lives. Having patience allows us to see this because it gives us the time to step back and assess everything that has happened to us allowing patterns to emerge for us to contemplate and change.
Patience also reduces the panic energy that repels people from us because no one wants to be in the presence of anyone who is in a constant state of panic. Negative energy such as panic based on fear is contagious quickly spreading to others forcing them to make decision hastily out of desperation. Desperation is the antithesis of patience because it is a by product of fear. Whereas patience is a by product of oneness and faith.
Having patience allows us to accept we are where we are meant to be and when the time is right we will move out of the place of contemplation and end up again exactly where we are meant to be. So why not be patient to hear and feel our inner compass pointing us home letting us know that “success is not to be pursued, it is to be attracted by the person you become.”Jim Rohn.

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