Monday 5 December 2011

Lady Gaga Queen of Reinvention

Lady Gaga – now I finally understand what the hype about this woman is all about. Not only is she a PR machine, she is the Queen of Reinvention. I became a member of Twitter once I started writing my blog on the advice of my brother and I am so pleased I did. Twitter has opened me up to people, places and events I never would have known about or even been vaguely interested in. But through these clever little tweets of information my curiosity has led me to discover more about things I would not have been open to otherwise.
One person who tweets relentlessly when she wants to get the word out is Lady Gaga and the tweets are not self indulgent as so many are. They are just matter of fact about whatever she is trying to promote and she does it over and over again. Her tweets stick in your mind without realising it then when there is a promotion about whatever it is she is tweeting about, you can’t help but look to see what it is as I did last night for her “Marry the Night” video.
I got the surprise of my life when I listened to her words. I had totally underestimated and prejudged this woman in the wrong way. I thought she was crazy but now I have the greatest respect for her because she has learned how to harness the power of the social media. She has managed to reinvent herself to a greater star than she ever would have been if she had stayed on the path she was on before being dropped by her record label Def Jam in 2006.
Listening to the words of her song and watching the video it appears that she was so devastated when she was dropped by the label that she contemplated suicide but then decided she was much more than that. She decided she was going to make it and be a star because she had nothing left to lose. From that moment, she decided to “marry the night” which to me means she was going to embrace the darkness she was facing rather than fighting it, resisting it. She accepted that she needed to see what the darkness was trying to tell her about herself. And once she did she knew she could not “give up on her life”. Instead she became the “Warrior Queen” lacing up her boots, not crying anymore and accepting that though it may have looked like she had lost everything, she still had her secret weapon - “her bedazzler” enabling her to do what any girl would and “did it all over again”. Reinventing herself as a fictional character who lives on the fringe of reality but mostly in fantasy.
She took the patches of her past, combined them in a fashion that suited her growth and moved on bigger, better, stronger, more assured, knowing what direction she wanted to go in and took control of her own destiny. Marrying the night allowed her to reach deep down inside to become the star she always was – with the battle scars to prove it.
Lady Gaga is now up there on my list of people who understand that darkness will always seep into our lives but only when we embrace it and “marry “ it do we come out on the other side as the stars we were always meant to be. Who would have thought but I am now a fan of this phenomenon. She went from devastation to having 5 million hits in one day for “Marry the Night” video and has 45 million Facebook fans. Like the Phoenix, she rose from the ashes and proving to herself and the world that doing it all over again is always better than giving up.

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