Friday 28 February 2014

A lesson from my niece about life

My niece recently sent me a note about something wonderful that has happened in her life. A breakthrough that she did not see coming even though she asked for it through prayer. And it reminded me that life gives us when we are true to ourselves. When we trust in the Universe. When we have faith to do what we are meant to do and then let go. Not letting any obstacle. Not letting any person. Not letting any fear get in our way. Because we know that we are nearing the Promised Land. And we know the only thing that stops us from entering the Promised Land is to feel unworthy. To feel like we don’t belong. To feel that only certain people can enter the Promised Land.
Forgetting that we all come from the Promised Land.  So why can’t we go back? We are cast out into the wilderness for reasons we asked to come here to be. We are cast out of the Promised Land so that we can find our way back and when we do all sorts of opportunities, doors, and paths we forget were available to us come to us. Become available to us because they were always there. 
And when we get those glimpses into possibility somehow we shut our ears to the naysayers. We close our eyes to those who will sell their souls to the devil so they can achieve their own personal success at the expense of others. We know that what goes around comes around and we remember to do what is best for us that will ultimately be best for all mankind. For everyone in our space and for those who may not be in our space but will benefit from who and what we become.
My niece did not realize at the time that by sending me her note of achievement. Her note of affirmation that she was on the right track, actually helped to restore my confidence in Spirit. Helped to ground me to the fact that life is all about what we believe about ourselves. When we allow in the snake charmers. When we doubt our abilities because we are surrounded by people who doubt theirs, we learn we are attracting these people into our lives because we have lost our way. Have forgotten the gifts that we inherently carry. The love that we have in our heart. The connection to the spirit that allows our hearts and souls to open again to follow our inner star. To know we are the shining example of love and light.
But when we remember, when we express gratitude, when we reconnect, we become one with the synchronistic path in life where one door leads to another to another until there are no more doors. Until there are no more barriers. Until we are embraced by the love and light of the Universal Force. Giving us the confidence to accept the tools that were available to us the whole time. Allowing us to tap into the Universal Force that unites, builds and lifts up.

Allowing us to become the ones, as my niece recently discovered, who do not just stand and observe the glass trying to decide if it is half empty or half full, we take the glass and drink what has been provided expressing gratitude for the abundance in our lives. And when we do, people see it and feel it and things start to happen that we always dreamed possible but were too afraid to admit let alone accept. Allowing us to glory in the Divine Spirit that has been with us all the time because we understand it is us. Because we understand the Promised Land is not over there but here right here in our hearts when we believe, when we have faith, when we let go and let be.
Thank you to my niece, my angel, for showing me the way again.

Thursday 27 February 2014

We are responsible for the lives we want to lead

What happens when the light starts to go out in our world, when we start to feel like we no longer belong where we are? What happens when we start to feel like we are ought to somewhere else but don’t know where that somewhere else is and can’t seem to find the way to somewhere else. Wherever that somewhere else may be. Taking us away from where we are right now.
What happens when we feel like we are drowning in a place where there is nowhere to drown? What happens when our thoughts become so muddled that we can’t find any thoughts at all?
What happens when we feel like no one is on our side. That the more we give, the more people want. The less they are satisfied. The more we try yet the more we are rebuffed.  The further away we seem to become from where we thought we would be.
What happens when we start to question everything and accept nothing? What happens then? How do we find the light again? The excitement? How do we stop ourselves from beating our heads up against the wall? And more importantly why do we keep doing the same things over and over again? Like finding the same wall to beat our heads on rather than dealing with what we need to deal with.
So many thoughts rushing through my brain. So many things I do not understand. So many people I do not understand why they are in my space. Thinking so much that I cleared my mind by letting go and meditating, asking for strength and guidance. Allowing myself the chance to hear. To really listen to the answers from deep within – from that well of all knowingness that we all carry and I knew without a doubt that when we have more questions than answers, more fears than truth, more unknowns than knowns, we are being asked to stop, to contemplate, to go to that place of silence. And really listen. Take ourselves away from the distractions that sometimes we put in front of us. The obstacles we create in our minds and do as my friend Shari posted yesterday, find a beautiful place in nature, like Par La Ville Park, and walk through it. Observing the presence of renewal. Listening to life happening all around us. Opening our eyes again to all that matters while letting go of all that does not.
When we are feeling like we are alone and there is no more to give, then perhaps life is telling us there is no more give and it is time to stop worrying about what we want in return. Time to cast aside expectations and just be who we are and what we are regardless of how others may treat us in return. Perhaps what life is telling us is that we need to appreciate who we are and what we have been given. By doing so, we can appreciate others for who they are whether they appeal to us or not because they are not us.
Perhaps life is telling us to stop looking for the things that are not going right in our lives and to instead focus on the things that are. To give thanks and praise for them because regardless of what does not feel right, there is always something in our lives that does. We always have beauty in our lives. Always have abundance in our lives. Always have joy in our lives but for some reason we do not feel worthy of the beauty, of the joy and of the abundance.  Or we feel that these moments are fleeting and so we are constantly waiting for them to turn on us rather than enjoying their company. Never being present in the moment. Thereby missing the joy, the love, the peace, the abundance in our lives.

Remembering always we are whatever we bring into the room. We create the calm as much as we create the chaos by the energy we project.  And it is often in that twilight zone of not knowing that change is on its way and we are being tested to see what we really want. The confusion, the doubt, the fear are sent to ask us which way we want to go and until we decide we will remain in that twilight zone shuffling backward and forward between the light and the dark. Until we accept true success comes from feeling worthy enough to move toward the light letting go of the dark. By remembering and accepting that we are responsible for the lives we want to lead. The choices we make. The energy we bring into the room.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Lesson from less than perfect conditions

I am without the Internet this morning and went to bed last night without it as well. Thinking it was the Universe's way of getting me away from my Scandal and Olitz obsession, I accepted my fate, shut down my computer and went to bed. Albeit I tossed and turned because my addiction had not been satisfied. Still, I closed my eyes and dreamed it was Thursday night and I was watching the return of my addiction Scandal allowing myself to fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of Olitz being reunited.
Waking up this morning anxious to turn on my computer  to see whatever other teases the Scandal cast and crew are throwing out there only to find my Internet is still down.  My anxiety barometer went through the roof instantly as I start to experience true withdrawal symptoms. Shaky hands. Beads of sweat on my brow. Panicking about how I will possibly satisfy my need to see something about Scandal first and then about how I will write and post my blog. Oh and meditate to quell my racing and stressed mind.
And then like Eureka hits me reminding me I have these horrible small devices where typing is a nightmare and the screen is too small for us over 50 crowd but they at least provide me with a way to feed my addiction. I meditate first to calm myself to allow me the patience to type on this screen keyboard that drives me crazy at the best of times then I watch 1 Olitz YouTube before I begin this arduous task of typing on this little screen wishing I was born onto this era like my children do I would have had no problem using this method. Shrugging my shoulders and accepting my fate. Resigning myself to writing my blog in less than perfect conditions all while realizing the lesson I am being taught, particularly because my typing is not keeping up with my thoughts.
When we really want something there is nothing that can stop us from getting it except for us. Also if we always wait for the perfect conditions, we may lose out on the opportunity for us to experience the lesson we are being asked to learn.
So this morning I got to do all the things I wanted to do not necessarily in the way I wanted to do them but I did and you know what I feel rather pleased with myself that I did. Less than perfect but missions accomplished nonetheless.
Providing me with the ever so true saying, "where there is the will, there is the way". Namaste

Tuesday 25 February 2014

The very things that frighten us

The very things that frighten us
Are the very things we need to do
To push ourselves
To extend ourselves
To feel more alive
The things we are most comfortable with
Are the very things that keep us stagnant
Rooted to where we are
Keep us imprisoned
Make us yearn for more
The very things that unnerve us
Are sent to help us
To reach more
To think more
To broaden our horizons
But yet we run from them
Afraid that we will show
What we don’t know
Rather than accepting we don’t know
And embrace the new knowledge
The ability to open our brains
The ability to grow
The very things we ask for
We are given the opportunities
To explore
In ways we had not thought of before
But sometimes they unnerve us
Frighten us
Back to the status quo
Because we are so worried that
We do not know
Cannot know
Will not be able to understand what to do next
But it is the very thing that we need to reach for
To challenge ourselves
To move forward
Comfort often means we are not growing
That we are satisfied with dissatisfaction
When we feel the adrenaline rushing
The sweat beading on our brow
We are pushing ourselves
To open up
To explore
To see what is beyond our self-imposed horizon
There is also another horizon
Beyond the one we place in front of ourselves
Because the horizon does not signal the end
It is the end for one
But the beginning for another
When we are asked to spread our wings
It is because we asked to spread our wings
So it is up to us to go to the edge
To jump
To trust
Because we asked for wings
We will fly
As long as we have faith
And hope
And trust
That there is a smooth landing for us
When we move beyond our comfort zones
And stretch ourselves to grow
To embrace
To admit we don’t know
But are willing to get to know
What is next
Change always brings with it
Fear of the unknown
Change always brings with it
The smell of victory as well as defeat
It just depends on how badly we
Want to accept change 
For what it frees us from
Because the very things that frighten us
Liberate us at the same time
Because the very things that unnerve us
Are our greatest teachers
The things that give us wings

Monday 24 February 2014

Mr. Kingpin, our resident toad

There is this frog. Toad, I should say as we have little tree frogs in Bermuda but large and I used to believe gross toads. Warts and all.  Large and ugly to me who sings his head off every time there is rainfall. He hops across our garden from a place yet unseen and plops himself into our empty pool. Claiming it as his home at our expense because he does not pay a bit of rent. Has never even bothered to ask permission. But he has claimed our empty pool as his home whenever there is rain. How he gets in and out we will never know. But he does and savours every drop of rain. The heavier the rainfall, the better. While the rest of us are inside hiding from the rain, he comes out of hiding and makes his presence known croaking at the top of his lungs.

His song is not very pretty to me. Croaky. But consistent. Repetitive and I guess rhythmic to him and to his court of ladies. He is Mr. Kingpin in my mind because with his croaky song and his unattractive huge body his song attracts lots of females sometimes two and three at a time. They don’t seem to be jealous of each other and they seem to wait their turn until they can enter the kingdom of Mr. Kingpin. In his palace at the bottom of our empty pool.
When we first heard his song, we could not figure out what it was. Could not understand what the horrible yet rhythmic sound was until we spotted Mr. Kingpin holding court proudly in the bottom of our empty pool. Now with the bottom filled with murky water from the rain – much to Mr. Kingpin’s delight. Even if it is to our chagrin.
So every time it rains we listen out for Mr. Kingpin. We listen out for his unattractive song to us but attractive to his followers, admirers, mothers of his future spawn. And this morning when I woke trying to think of what I would write about, trying to come to terms with the huge downpours we had last night and the thunderstorms, Mr. Kingpin was the first music that I heard. His song louder and louder after every downpour. His voice more commanding and rhythmic.
Making me realize that everything and everyone has a purpose in life whether we want them near or not. Whether we accept their presence or not. The huge downpours may dampen our spirits and send us rushing inside, while toads like Mr. Kingpin welcome it because it allows him a place to court his suitors. Gives him a place to sire the next generation of toads. Wets his body so that he can be handsome and attractive to the females.
No matter how gross Mr. Kingpin wallowing at the bottom of my pool may seem to me, I realise it is to remind me there is a time and place for everything. Sometimes that place may not be ours and we have to be willing to make space for those whose time it is and be accepting of that time. Mr. Kingpin is now silenced perhaps he is mating as I type but I am grateful for his presence because knowing he is in my yard I am confident there will never be a centipede.

I used to be terrified of toads until I met a centipede and once I learnt that toads eat them, I welcome the sight and sound of my ugly majestic toad, Mr. Kingpin, who holds court in the murky water left behind in my empty pool whenever there is a downpour of rain. Mr. Kingpin, our resident toad, now a blessing rather than an intruder - the lover that he is. 

Saturday 22 February 2014

2.22.92, 22.2.92 real love story

22 years ago my husband and I were married today
22 years ago we walked into our marriage with eyes wide open
Both of us travelled down that road before
Shocked that we were choosing that road again
Questioning whether we could make it work
Haven seen it not work before
Jaded somewhat by love when it fades
Not realizing that true love though it may fade
Never leaves of its own accord
But understands that sometimes there will be ups
And sometimes down
Recognises that life is complicated
Neither black nor white
That when two people love each other from their core
There is nothing that can tear them apart
Unless they are ready to be torn apart
22 years later
Paths taken totally unforeseen
From childless reckless days
When lying in bed meant being with each other
Without interruption
Without sharing
Taking for granted those moments of total and utter selfish love
Until we were frightened by a cancer scare
And faced our mortality head on
Changing our course
Moving us down another road
Leading us to question who would speak our names when we were called home
Who would know us on an intimate level outside of us
Shifting us from just two to three
15 years ago when we become parents of one
Taking us on an even wilder ride
Down the twilight corridors of parenthood
Hovering in the shadows
The two of us
Suddenly three
With a son we knew nothing about
With a lifestyle turned upside down and inside out
Me abandoning my career
To take on motherhood full time
My husband left scratching his head
His wife no longer just his but a mother as well
Changed from the driven business woman
To the protective mother
Abandoning her suits
To wearing mother’s boots
Rolling up her sleeves
And changing beyond recognition
Their love changing in a direction that seemed like it would veer off course
Until a new rhythm came in
When twilight gave way to daylight
When the light came back in some 2 years later
And they could resume the love they thought they had lost
When two became three
And then the son spoke
To the mother alone
At 16 months telling her his sister was waiting to come
Waiting on a big wide airplane
Dressed in a red dress
Speaking her name as clearly as if he had heard it before
And then the two that become three became four
When 10 years ago their little girl came to join them
Balancing their family evenly
The male and the female energy en sync
Life moved along
Until it stopped
Filled with betrayal
Upheaval and regret
A partnership fell apart
A wounding entered so deep
That left them questioning what was next
They moved their family
Across the ocean to another continent
Trying to mend the broken pieces in a different land
Different language
All alone
As a family
The two that became three and then four
The energy was not right in their new place
Sending the mother into a tail spin
Because she knew the fate she was trying to escape
Had come to claim her thousands of miles away
The corporate world was calling her back
Bringing her back from across the ocean
Because the lesson she needed to learn was not yet taught
They returned to the place they left
The husband full of anger and regret
The son relieved but not wanting to hurt anyone hid his relief
The daughter not worrying because she was happy to be back where she was understood
Their lives taking on a different dynamic
The storm between them not quite done
But deep inside
Throughout the darkness
The flame of love had not gone out
Close to it
But not quite gone
Because at the core
They were still the couple that joined
Many years before
Different but the same
She says 2.22.92
He says 22.2.92
But it all still means the same
Something they have come to know
Over the 22 years
Understanding though they may have different styles
They are still a perfect pair
As perfect as a pair as they can be
22 years later still in love
A much deeper love
That has weathered many storms
And will weather many more
2.22.92 from her eyes
22.2.92 from his
Now they know
They both mean the same thing
Two that became three then four
A family of love
Growing love
Maturing love
Experienced love
Love joined for better or for worse
To my love
My husband
My man
Happy Anniversary
My everlasting twin flame
22 years ago today
We accept it all means the same

Friday 21 February 2014

My Island welcoming me home at her best

Yesterday could not have been a better day to land in Bermuda. Could not have been a better day to return home. After travelling through dark airports, brown scenery, landing in Bermuda to clear skies, low humidity, and the flat calm turquoise ocean, I could not believe just how blessed and fortunate I am, we are, to live in such a  beautiful place. How fortunate I am to come to such beauty without having to go on a vacation but simply because I am coming home. Wow.
As we drove down the Causeway, windows wide open, fresh air billowing in, my hair whipping around my face, I swear I could hear the voice of angels singing in the background because I truly felt like I was experiencing what utopia must feel like. Snapping out of my state of bliss when the taxi driver asked me if I wanted him to put the windows up after he looked in the mirror and saw my hair being whipped,  I told him absolutely not. I was enjoying the fresh air. The ability to have the windows wide open on a February afternoon felt like nirvana at its best to me.
I felt so free, so happy to have my hair whipping in the breeze. Inhaling the fresh Bermudan air as if it was my first time. Inhaling all the beauty surrounding me. So grateful to be home. So full of life. I took advantage of the opportunity to fill my lungs and my soul with the bountifulness of my Island home.
Thinking to myself how we often take for granted what is right in front of us every single day. Wondering had I been here for the start of this beautiful weather would I have been as appreciative of it as I was when I got off that airplane? Trying to hold onto the feeling I had as I sat back in the seat looking at my beautiful Island as if it was the first time I had ever seen it.
Once I had my visual fill, I closed my eyes and listened. Just listened. To the sound of the tires rolling along the asphalt. And once I got through the ordinary sounds of where I was, to the silence of life passing me by.  Wondering where the birds were as I did not hear them. Opening my eyes as we reached the corner of the old Castle Harbour dormitories and that’s when I heard the first bird – a kiskadee followed by  sparrows. Feeling grateful for their song. I was so full of gratitude that I felt like I was Mary Poppins from the Sound of Music running through the hills,  singing the hills are alive with the Sound of Bermuda. So full of bliss.
Taking in to the colours of the flowers, the green of the tees, the lushness because of the abundance of rain we have had, the light just right and thought regardless of what is happening in our lives, if we could just stop and look with appreciation at the natural beauty that surrounds us every single day we are here in Bermuda, particularly on a day like yesterday, we would have very little complain about. Very little to be upset about. Thinking we should be doing our best to preserve what our Island has to offer rather than doing our best to destroy it. We should be working together to promote our Island rather than trying to find ways to abuse it.
Then later that evening as my daughter and I were driving back home along Harbour Road, the setting sun was casting its red hues throughout the sky, shading clouds with bursts of red, the harbour flat calm opaque almost like glass, I could not help but be even more grateful for where I live. The place I call home.  Joy. Pure joy to be back home. Grateful for feeling like my Island was showing me her best so I could be my best. Namaste.

Thursday 20 February 2014

There comes a time in all our lives

There comes a time in all our lives when we must leave the child behind
And become the adult we were sent here to be
Leave her in a safe place
Where he can still ground us to the lessons we have learned
The bridges we have crossed
The trials we have faced
But there comes a time in all our lives when we must become the adult we are meant to be
Never forgetting the child that remains within us all
Never leaving her alone
Never shutting him out
But knowing the days of childhood are done
Grown and moulded
Into the woman
The man
We are meant to be
Putting aside all the antics
We used as a child to get our way
Instead shaping them into tools
Tools to help us move on
To teach
To learn
To share
To pave the way for others to begin
There comes a time in all our lives when we must become the adult
No longer needing to embarrass
To insult
To betray
In order to stand heads and shoulders above the rest
Thinking we are showing we are adults
When instead we are allowing the petulant child that still remains within us all
To rear its head and consume us as adults
Showing the broken
The scarred
The one who will not grow up
There comes a time when we must reconcile with the child within
The one waiting for us to quell his fears
Listen to her asking for help
And help her
Assist him
To become the adults we were sent here to be
No tirades
No snatching
No grabbing the light
At the expense of others
Those were things we did when we were children
When we did not know maturity
When we did not know there is enough for all of us
When we were learning how to become an adult
Some of us remain tethered to the child
The broken one that remains inside
Rather than releasing him
Giving her wings to fly
By accepting all that has happened to us
Happened to make us the man
The woman we are today
There is no sense in blaming anyone else
For the cards we have been dealt
For the hand we have been given
Because each one of us asked for it
Before we came
We chose our parents
We chose us
We chose the circumstances we found ourselves in
Growing us from child to adult
There is a time when we must surrender the child
The child that remains within us all
Back to her place
His place
With gratitude and grace
Thanking him
Praising her
For the journey she has taken
The path he navigated
To get us to this place
This place
Where we forgive
We understand
We move on
And biding Adieu
The child that got us to this place
This place where we let go of the childish tantrums
And look the woman
The man
Who looks back at us in the mirror
And claim him, her for who we are
With dignity and grace
Love and faith
Because there comes a time in all of our lives
When we must become the adult
We asked to come here to be.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Lesson from a turbulent plane ride

Up and Down
No control
Palms Sweating
Prayers being said
Over and over again
As the airplane pitches from side to side
Ears clogged
Feet sweaty
Trying to remain brave
When fear is gripping
Holding me in its hand
Because I am in a situation I can’t control
Turbulence like you won’t believe
Pushing us around
Letting us know though we cannot see
There are forces
Invisible forces
That are greater than us
Larger than us
More powerful than us
Respecting their might
Honouring their ability
I ask them to deliver me
Safely to where I am meant to be
If it is meant to be
Then safely back home
I close my eyes and pray
Asking my Sprit Guides and Angels
To help me
To rescue me
And then I surrender
Stop pleading
Stop resisting
What is meant to be
Relaxing in to the rhythm of the turbulence
Into the shifting of the airplane
Accepting I am where I am meant to be
So there is no sense in resisting
No sense in trying to stop what is happening
Or worrying
Because everything is unfolding as planned
And once I let go
The twisting
And up and down movements of the airplane
No longer frighten me
As I become one with them
As they become one with me
Teaching a lesson again about life
There are invisible forces
Greater than me
Greater than us
Alongside all the time
Helping us
Directing us
Guiding us
To be in the place we are
To accept the fate we asked for
Delivering us
All the things we asked for
And it makes no sense resisting
No sense fighting
Gathering up the nerve
I looked out the window
And saw clear blue skies
No clouds
No evidence of what was causing us so much movement
No signs of the mysterious resistance we were encountering
And understood at once that those forces are invisible to us
But very present
Always present
Because there are just some things we are not meant to see
But know they exist
And are there to help us
As long as we are willing to surrender
To let go
To have faith
That our prayers
Our wishes
Our desires
Are always answered
When we know what we want
And receive it 
With gratitude and grace

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Today I honour a woman I never knew I would or could

Today there is a family on the other side of the world – a father and a daughter and a son – a husband, a sister and a brother - who woke up remembering the day their lives changed one year before – February 18, 2013. The day their wife and mother was taken from them. The day she succumbed to cancer after a brave eight year battle. She fought long and hard keeping herself strong for as long as she could to allow her children to be prepared for when she was gone. The day they became a wifeless husband and motherless children. The day they said goodbye to the love of their lives.
She was a woman I never met but got to know from a distance. A woman who loved my husband as his first wife. A woman who because of how our paths initially crossed could not become my friend nor I hers.
But for some reason in her death she reached out to me to ask my permission to allow her to have closure with my husband who was her husband first. For some reason through a synchronicity of events she reached out to me in time for the closure to come on the first anniversary of her passing from this world to the next – today, February 18, 2014.
And I think she chose me because she knew I was the stronger one. Because she knew I was the one who would understand more about how death affects children and grieving spouses. She knew I would have the empathy to allow my husband to grieve her death. To make contact with those who were left behind after her death. To honour her in the way she deserved to be honoured because he was not able to do so while she was still alive.
I think about her and talked about her to my Spirit Mother only days before discovering she had gone from this world to the next. Telling my spirit Mother I thought now would have been a good time for this woman and I to meet to talk, to apologize to each other for what had transpired between us some 24 years before. And I believe she heard me and came to me to show me she forgives me by sending the news of her death to me first through someone else. She came to me to let me know all was well between us and the only thing left undone before her work in the physical form was done was the closure needed between her and my husband, her husband first. And I became her vehicle to do that just. Allowing her in to my home and into my husband's heart for the last time through my heart.
I pray for her children – a daughter who was the same age as I was when I lost my mother and a son, the same age as my younger brother when we lost our mother. A daughter who is about the age of my son now and a son who is about the age of my daughter. My heart aches for them. For the memories that will never come for them in the future with their mother. But I hope they will learn as I did many years later that the love of a mother never leaves. It always remains deep, deep in our hearts. That though they do not see their mother in a physical way, they will always feel her with them in a spiritual way.
That when the world feels like it is against them, she will send them a shiver down their backs with a faint breeze. She will ask them to remember her every time they see a yellow daffodil. Every time her son sledges she will ask him to think of the times she sledged with him.
So today, February 18, 2014, I honour a woman I did not get to know in the physical form but a woman who chose me to help her to mend the broken pieces that could not have otherwise been mended if I had not become woman enough to forgive and to let go. To understand that in time all heals. To allow her and my husband, her husband first, the dignity to say goodbye. To bring closure to a time that is no more.
May she rest in peace knowing she was loved and her name will always be spoken from a place of love because there is nothing like a mother’s love.  Nothing like lasting and honest love. Sleep in peace now Frances Clare Drewery, your work here is done. With honour and respect. Namaste

Monday 17 February 2014

Letting go of those who do not deserve a place in my life

Yesterday some news came to me from a source I least expected. News that there are people out there trying their best to disparage the name of my family. The names of my children. By gossiping and trying to belittle us. Trying their best to hide their intentions behind the cloak and dagger of victimhood.
Trying to conceal that it is them. Not us that need to find what their inner demons are. Because they don’t have the wisdom to know by doing what they are doing is showing it is them not us that need to go deep within to find what they lack.
Yesterday I got wind of some horrible things that are being said about me and my family from a source I least expected. And at first I was gutted. Could not understand why people who did not want to be in the presence of my family cannot handle the fact that we have given them what they asked for.  Moved out of their presence with gratitude and grace.
Accepting that sometimes we have to walk away rather than remain. That sometimes it is not worth the hassle to remain in a place where goodness does not reside nor does it belong. So we left without malice and certainly without regret.
But these people won’t let go. Can’t let go because they specialize in tormenting. In gossiping. In bringing others down regardless of age, sex, belief or religion. Because then they don’t have to take care of themselves. They don’t have to deal with what they need to deal with. They don’t have to take care of their own homes because they are so busy trying to destroy the homes of others.
Yesterday I heard some news that almost made me become like those that destroy. Almost made me want to get in the mud. Roll up my sleeves and become like those who specialize in spreading dark and malicious energy.
But I came home and spoke to my husband about what I had heard. Talked to him about the hurt I felt. About the pain I experienced because no matter how strong I am, no matter how much I strive to be in the light, I am human. And I am a mother and a wife who will try to protect my family from harm. From dark forces who are intent on trying to destroy what they cannot have because they do not understand that in order to have what they want, they must become what they want. Not what they do not want.
They must find love and light rather than wallowing in the shadows of life. Rather than trying to destroy, they must learn to create, to share, to delight in themselves so they can delight in others. They must learn there is enough abundance in this world that they don’t have to take from others.  In order to receive, they must learn that life gives back exactly what we put out.
Until they learn these fundamentals about life, they will never find satisfaction, love or trust. All they will find is darkness and lack. Hatred and regret.
Yesterday I got wind of horrible news that is being spread about my family. And at first I wanted to destroy. Give back to those people what they are doling out. But then I realized there is no need to respond. No need to jump in the mud. No need to become the darkness. Because it is not what I want in my life.
So this morning when I woke, I decided to write. To set the pain I felt down on paper in order to release it. Surrender it back to the place from which it came. Closing my heart to those who do not deserve a place in it. Releasing them. Surrendering them back to the place they came without malice or the need for retribution.
Instead I surrender them back to where they came with forgiveness, peace, love and light because they obviously need it more than they even know. Wishing them the best in their lives. Recognising their lives have nothing to do with my family’s nor mine unless I allow them in.
Particularly when I read this morning meditation, “In this age of degeneration, when one meets all sorts of problems and adverse circumstances the practice of generating positive thoughts is very effective. If someone lacks this practice, even though that person might be a very serious meditator, he or she will meet with many hardships and hurdles.”
Once I read this message, I knew I was being answered by angels, by the Divine telling me to let go and to forgive by not inviting trouble back into my life. And so I listened and am listening by resisting the temptation to become like those dark forces who are intent on destroying human good. Instead I am turning to the light. Looking up rather than down because after all I will never find rainbows if I am looking down. And what a horrible fate that would be.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Indulging myself in rest

This morning I indulged myself by staying in bed even though I have so many things to do today. Some many places I have to be. But I could not resist the warmth of my bed particularly since I was not flushed with hot flashes. Heavenly. I felt so comfortable that I just snuggled in.
I woke at my usual time then felt so good to know that I did not have to be anywhere until hours later so I took comfort in knowing I could just roll over and go back to sleep. And I did. For what I thought was for a few minutes.
But then I woke to the sun streaming through my windows. Birds chirping and the sounds of the day fully awake. The day had broken and started and had left me behind. Left me in that place of in between yesterday and today.  I looked at the clock and was surprised to see I had slept for another three hours. Obviously my whole being needed it so I gave myself permission to stay in bed for a few minutes more. Enjoying the fact that it was Saturday morning and I still had a few hours before I had to get a move on it.
And before I knew it one and a half hours had gone by because I had drifted into another deep sleep. I jumped up feeling totally guilty for not getting up and doing some of the things I said I was going to do like go for a walk and inhale the morning air. Like meditate and clear my rambling thoughts. Like cook breakfast for my family so no one was rushing around trying to make sure they are in the places they were meant to be.
I rushed into the shower berating myself for taking my time. For not doing what I was meant to do. Until the water started to run over me. Washing away the worry and the angst that was taking over my being. Each drop of water reminding me that sometimes we just have to indulge ourselves and listen to what our mind, bodies and souls are telling us they need. To accept that sometimes that means to just rest and do nothing. To sleep and allow our whole beings to recharge. To not worry about the things we thought we were supposed to do. Instead to just accept we are exactly where we are meant to be. Doing exactly what we are meant to be doing.
And after I showered and dressed and sat down to write this blog, I realized even more  that this morning  my meditation, my walk and cooking breakfast were all in my mind’s dream world where I escaped for a little while from the demands of my every day existence and instead remained in that place of surrender. That place where there are no worries, no regrets, no clocks. Just plain surrender and now I feel good. Rested and ready to go.
Accepting that sometimes we just have to let go and be where we are really meant to be not where we thought we should be. And just as I finished typing this piece, my Cardinal started singing good morning to me. Chirping above all the other birds so I could hear him letting me know all is well. All is good.

Happy Saturday everyone. 

Friday 14 February 2014

For the longest time love evaded me

For the longest time
Love evaded me
Hid from me
Ran from me
Until I realized
It was not love
It was me
Love is always with us
Because it is us
We don’t have to chase it
Pursue it
Become something else
Or someone else
In order to find it
Have it
Revel in it
Because I am discovering
It is with us all the time
Because it is us
Waiting for us
To open our hearts
Be vulnerable
And free
To let the love
That is our light
Shine from deep within
True love sometimes gets confused with fantasy love
The romantic and highly sensual
Attraction love that we feel
When we first meet someone
Who moves us
The spark that is the signal
That we are meant to be
But that spark is just an aphrodisiac
Like the first high
Of a drug
Meant to enrapture us
Entangle us
So we can release
Who we truly are
And once we do with love
The highly magnetic feeling
And becomes more everyday
Because there is no need
To magnify us anymore
Because we know and trust
But some of us
Spend the rest of our lives
In search of that first love high
Going from relationship to relationship
Expecting to feel that inexplicable hormonal
Animal exchange
The heat that comes when love is new
When love is calling our name
When it is giving us the surge
To open to the one who will remain
But what I am learning is that
Love grows
And changes
And matures 
Just like us
Becoming comfortable
And freeing
Allowing us to be who we were sent here to be
Allowing us to show who we truly are
To the ones who love us back
Without judgment
And have our backs
At all times
Love is deeply satisfying
When we realize
We don’t have to seek love
We don’t have to chase love
We don’t have to become
Anyone else but who we are
To receive the love
And be the love
Meant for us
Because true love is always there
And available for us
When we know
We are love
And love is us
We understand
We are made from love
And love is made from us
We know love is the light
That comes from deep within
And when all else fades
Love remains
Grounding us
Focusing us
And providing us
With the light we need
To make it through our darkest days
For the longest time
I searched for love
Chased after love
Thought I was incapable of love
Until love came and remained
Encouraging me to grow
Encouraging me to show
My vulnerable
And courageous self
Who is made of love
Allowing me to give love
Embrace love
And to be love
So now I love
My love
On a different level
Than I knew was ever possible
Because I know without a doubt
That I am love
And love is me
Happy Valentine’s Day to all who know
That love remains when all else fades
It is the sun rising in the morning
The rain falling
The dew in the morning light
The thunder and the lighting
The bird singing
The butterfly fluttering by
The rose opening its petals
The cry of a baby
The moonlight on a dark night
It is creation
Beginnings and Endings
Love is ever present
Because Love is who we are
And what we are
Love never fades
Because love is
The beginning and Ending
For the longest time
Love evaded me
Hid from me
Ran from me
Until I realized
It was not love
It was me
Love is always with us
Because it is us


Thursday 13 February 2014

Life is but a moment

Life is but a moment. A message I received from Tyler Perry this morning. And though I know it was not a personal message, it felt that way to me because his message was meant for me to hear. Short and sweet and drew me in because like him, I am a motherless child. And his message was speaking about the short life his mother lived more in image than in words. But it resonated with me.
Then I opened another message from Brave Girls Club and it said, You have a message. You have a mission. You have a purpose one that is unique to you – one that no one else can live out but you - don’t forget to share it. And what I heard and read was don’t forget to live it. Shaking me out of the pits of darkness.
I needed these messages this morning so I know my angels and guides heard my plea for help. My cry for balance. My desire to release the pent up emotions welling up inside me that were threatening to pull me under. Keep me in that place of darkness that serves no one but darkness itself.
Last night I went to bed harboring resentment. Resentment for the way certain things in my life are unfolding. Resentment because I feel like I am losing my purpose. Losing my voice and giving so much of myself away so that everyone else can find their way. So that everyone else can be happy. So that everyone can be at peace with their demons. And sometimes I feel like I am being taken advantage of. Sometimes I feel no matter how much I give, it is never enough or when I feel like my time for giving is up, someone or something else creeps in demanding more from me. And because I am a giving person, I sometimes give until I feel depleted. At least this was the story I was telling myself over and over again. Taking me down into a pit of feeling sorry for myself. Feeling like I am drowning while everyone else is swimming, winning and achieving their dreams while my dream seems to be floating off in the distance.
I woke up this morning still filled with resentment. Until I read those posts, those posts that were delivered just for me to see. Tyler Perry reminding me that life is but a moment. A blink in the grand scheme of things. Over before we know it. Before we think it has begun because we are too busy living other people’s lives that we forget to live our own. So busy being what other people want us to be that we forget who we are. So busy giving to others that we forget to give to ourselves.
And then Brave Girls Club reminded me that I have a message. I have a mission. I have a purpose unique to me on this Earth while I am alive in this physical form. Reminding me I asked to come here to do something and until I am brave enough to use my voice, to stand up for who I am, to not give until I am depleted, then I will carry resentment with me always. And it will grow and spread like a cancer until it ravages me and leaves me believing I am a victim rather than the victor I am capable of being.
Because life is but a moment and it is up to me to capture that moment so I can be my message, live out my mission and own my purpose. No one else can do that for me or take it away from me unless I give them permission. Unless I invite them in. Unless I give all of me away before giving to myself. So I am surrendering resentment back to where it belongs and breathing in possibility and faith and hope.  Opening myself up to the All that is waiting just for me.  In gratitude to my angels coming in the guise of Tyler Perry and Brave Girls Club this morning for helping me to rescue myself from drowning in a self-imposed pool of shallow water.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

When I don't know where to begin

There are times when I just don’t know 
Where to begin
Where to belong
Where to fit in
There are times when all I can do is
Sit in silence and wait
Wait for the inspiration 
To come
To guide me
Ground me
There are times when the uncertainty is greater than the certainty
When life seems to take turn after turn
When roads meet then diverge
And take me back to where I began
There are times when I look at myself in the mirror
And do not recognize who see
Wonder who she is and
What I am meant to be
There are times when the thought of doing another day in the same way
Is a huge chore
When life challenges me to stop
Just stop
And listen
Forcing me to
Stop worrying
Stop fretting
Telling me to just begin
Take the first step
Write the first line
Without expectation
Or trepidation
Asking me to
Just let it flow
Get in the flow
With gratitude
With abundance
Without worry
And then life starts to flow
Allowing the image in the mirror to  become recognizable
The steps to become lighter
And I surrender
Surrender it all
To the voice within
And do as my intuition
And inner voice
Guide me to do
And that’s when I understand
The uncertainty
The trepidation
The fear
The worry
Were all there to stop me
To point me
In the direction I am meant to go
To lead me to where I am meant to be
Away from where I was not meant to be
To ask me to remember
That beyond anything else
Gratitude and love
Are the most important drivers in our lives
They help to open us to the more that exists for us all
They help us to know no matter what
Always someone to love
Beginning with ourselves
With where we are
With what we have
As soon as we understand and accept that
Each step becomes easier
Each task lighter
Each line easier to write
Because our direction comes
From that place deep within
Where we know who we are
And what we are capable of
So on those days when there is more uncertainty than there is certainty
I am learning to be grateful
Because they are leading me to my place of love
My place of truth
My place where I l know
I am as I am where I am
And that is the only truth


Tuesday 11 February 2014

The morning night skies have been beautiful of late

The night morning skies of late have been beyond beautiful.
Beyond anything that can be described fully
Black, dark skies, like there is nothing beyond
Yet leaving me feeling there is everything beyond
Closing me to feel like we are enclosed in the nothingness
Then opening me again to feel like there is no enclosure because of the presence of the all
Infinite, glorious, huge, wow
Twinkling stars, abundant and bright 
A lone bright star large like an orb of light all on its own 
Sitting in the southwest corner of the dark sky
Holding court all on its own
Owning the sky full of stars
All radiating and casting their light in an otherwise black night.
In awe of the light these stars that look tiny to us from a distance 
But are huge in their own right shine down on us
And lighten up the blackest darkest night
Helping us to navigate through the darkness
Bringing us much needed light
Not a cloud in the sky to obscure the beauty and radiance of the stars
Illuminating that dark liquid ink black night
Showing us the magnificence of creation
Allowing me to see
There is something magical about a black sky filled with stars
Something that allows me to believe there is something much greater than me
Than us in the beyond
There is something much more than we could ever understand or fully comprehend
Something that allows light even in the darkest night
Something that adds to the mystery that is us
That is the all
Yet there is something sinister about a dark night with stars twinkling down on us as well
Almost as if the whole sky and stars could come crashing down on us
Destroy us in a flash
Great balls of fire
But that to me is the dichotomy of life
Sometimes depending on our vantage point
We can the beauty in all things 
Like the stars twinkling on a cloudless still night
Or we can see the darkness and little balls of fire in the sky 
And believe they can destroy without a thought
Nature has a funny way of showing the divide that exists within us all
A funny way of reminding us that at all times 
We have so much to draw upon 
Particularly when we think we are fumbling in the darkness
Reminding us through its presence and change
All we need to do is remember there is always a beginning 
And an ending 
With a journey in between
Sometimes that journey will be so dark that we feel we will never find the light
Then other times there will be so much light that we are never lost
And then sometimes we are stuck in the in between
In between the darkness and the light
In between the beginning and the end
And the journey feels endless
And just when we are about to give up
To lose hope
To question our faith
A dark sky filled with light opens for us
No clouds
No questions
Just clarity of the immenseness of the Universe we reside in
That is within us all
That is us all
Illustrating for us the possibility that exists for us all
Is within us all
Is us all
Allowing us to remember
There is a beginning and an ending
And a journey in between
How that journey begins and ends
Depends on how we view the dark sky filled with radiant light
The morning, night skies have been beautiful of late
Filled with promise
And faith
Infinite wisdom on our doorsteps
Waiting for us to discover
To accept
The immenseness of our power
On a beautiful dark morning  night

Monday 10 February 2014

Struggling as a parent in this technological age

There is such a delicate balance between directing and guiding. Such a delicate balance between restraining and parenting. Such a delicate balance between anger and respect.
Parenting teaches us all these things. The art of holding on while letting go. The art of parenting while shedding.
And sometimes that balance gets thrown off when we try too hard to make our children into something they are not. When we try too hard to make them do the things we want them to do rather than the things they want to do. When we want them be like we were when we were children forgetting that times has moved on and the things that brought us joy no longer resonate with them. We are living in an age of technology where everything in the world and Universe, that we know if, is at their fingertips. At our fingertips.
At the click of a mouse they open the world and the Universe to themselves. They can discover and see so much more than we ever could before the invention of computers. And though we know it is changing the way they interact with each other and with us, there does not seem to be much we can do about it as this is the way life is going. We can fight. Try to resist it and shake our heads in angst but all we are doing is creating a gulf. A wedge between us and our children.
We can scream and shout and wish they would go outside more. Explore nature more but they are growing up in a time when technology is king. They are the bridges between the old and new and while we are clinging to the old, they are reaching out to grasp on to the wave that is before them before it crests and they are left drowning in a time that is no more.
Sometimes I step back and listen to myself shouting at my son telling him to get off his computer, telling him there is more to life than being on the computer, that he needs to go outside, to exercise, to see life beyond the confines of his room. But then I realize he is playing a game with his friends who have scattered around the world in different boarding schools – Australia, England, Scotland, the US and they are talking like they are next door. Like it matters not that there is distance between them.  Like it matters not that their experiences are very different daily. But what this computer thing is doing is keeping them in touch. Something we could never have done years before. So even though their lives may be changing and going in different directions, technology is actually keeping them in touch. Allowing them to remain in each other’s lives. Actually keeping a bond that may have been lost otherwise.
So what are we meant to do as parents? Are we meant to keep taking the light out of the eyes of our teenagers because we want them to be as we were when they are straddling a time we cannot and will not understand. When everything they want to discover and know about is at their fingertips. When they use their computers like it is an appendage. When I see little babies barely able to walk walking around with an IPad looking at movies or “educational games” on there, navigating between screens as if they were born to do that, I question whether we are capable of stopping this movement. Or is it here to stay and we just have to learn to live with it?
As parents I am realizing we have to let go and let our children find their way through this technological age so that they don’t become dinosaurs in an age we did not grow up in but are aging in. I am so torn about this age of technology and policing it for my children that I am putting my thoughts out there to see what comes back.  I’m open to suggestions because I don’t want to lose my bond with my children – so please feel free to share them with me because I’m struggling as a parent with this technological age. Look forward to some feedback. Any feedback....

Saturday 8 February 2014

This morning I got the call

This morning I got the call
The call I had been waiting for
Since my Mysty went from this world to the next
Since my husband was thrown into turmoil and despair
When he got news that shook his core
And because he is part of my core
I was shaken as well
So I was waiting
Waiting for life to send me the call
The call that would wake me from my slumber
Wake me from the darkness that was threatening to pull me in
Shroud me
Disguise me
Bury me
And it came this morning
As I was between sleep and awake
Between yesterday's thoughts and experiences to this new day
It came in the call of the cardinal
The red bird's song
Summoning me
Pulling me
Willing me 
To get out of bed
While the day was still young
While the possibility still remained
To allow me to cast aside my fear of walking in nature again
Regardless of what my body looks like
Regardless of my preconceived notions of how I am meant to look right now
To embrace the fact that I woke up this morning
And heard the call 
The song of the redbird
So I got up 
Looked at my face in the mirror
The face of a woman nearly 51
The face of a woman 
Who has endured so much
Weathered so much
Survived so much
Conquered so much
And told her
Told me
To shake of the insecurity
The excuses and get out there
And embrace the life that wants to embrace me
So I put on my walking clothes 
And went back to the mirror 
And saw
The face of a renewed woman 
Who was ready to go
To walk
To hear 
To see 
The sound of the cardinal
The song of the red bird
Singing just for me
As I walked outside
There he was
Singing his song
Facing me
High up on his perch
The highest point in my yard
The oldest point in my yard 
Right above where my Mysty lies
Where we put her one week to this day
Was the cardinal
On the top of the old dead cedar tree
Singing his song
Wiling me
Coaxing me
Letting me know all is well
As I walked he followed me and found me again
On the wire singing
Willing me 
Coaxing me
To keep putting one step in front of the other
And then he was gone
As I got to the beach
Where the ocean's song took over
Waves crashing and retreating 
On the pink sandy shore
Filling me with joy
As I walked 
I looked out over the horizon
The endless horizon
And breathed in the air
The breath of life
The joy of living
The smell of living
Tears welling in my eyes
As I felt blessed
To live in such a beautiful place
Where the ocean is blue
The sand pink
The weather perfect
On this February Saturday morn
The sky clear
Except for a few puffy clouds
People walking
Dogs without their leash
Tears stinging my eyes
As I thought about 
Those suffering with cold weather
Winter storms
Ocean lashing their shores
As our ocean gently rippled
Reflecting the sun
Tears stinging my eyes
As I realized 
Sometimes it takes death
Or news of death
To make us appreciate life
To appreciate each breath we take
To see the beauty all around us
To know we are part of it all
So I sat down on the steps
High above the ocean
And let life fill me
With gratitude and love
Allowing them to flow through me
Until I was full
Then as I made my trek back home
There on a tree
Another dead cedar tree
In the midst of the old railway trail
Appeared my cardinal
Singing just for me
I heard it again
And followed it
The call I was waiting for
The call of the cardinal
The bringer of news from the other world
The coaxer
The spirit bringer
Wiling me
Coaxing me
With his lilting song
The song of the everlasting spirit
That embraces us all