Monday 19 December 2011

Be careful what you wish for

My blog yesterday was about me not wanting the sunlight that was shining through the window when I woke up. It was about me wishing for the darkness to match the melancholy mood I was in. Well no sooner had I posted my blog and my spirit had lifted, the weather changed for the worse. It became everything I had wished for when I first woke up but not what I wanted for the day once my mood had brightened.
The sun was quickly obscured by dark heavy menacing clouds, the wind started to howl. All semblance of light was sucked out by the clouds and the day turned cold, dark, windy, rainy and miserable. I wondered what the Universe was trying to tell me then. It dawned on me that it was trying to demonstrate several things to me:
First and foremost be careful what you wish for because you will get it, not necessarily when you want it but you will
Secondly, whatever energy it is you are putting out into the universe you will get like energy back
Third, by the evening that wind was so strong and still that little pink rose was holding on to its petals, its dignity and its beauty putting its best face forward in extreme conditions reminding me that even when the conditions suddenly switch in a direction we didn’t see coming, if we remember who we are and stand firm to who we are, we can weather any storm.
Fourth, the air grew cold and chilly and all I wanted to do was to go into my home and be with my family safe and warm from the stormy weather outside reminding me that I have so much to be grateful for even when everything seems chaotic. A roof over my head. Food to eat. A family that loves me. And shelter from any storm.
And last but not least, even when conditions change, when people come and go, we are always who we are deep down inside and it is up to us to bring the best part of who we are forward no matter the circumstances.
The wind is still howling this morning. My little pink rose has lost a few petals but it is still standing strong letting me know that life may strip us sometimes but if we have a strong foundation we will not only survive but flourish if we are open minded. Between the gales and rain, the sun keeps peeping through showing me there is hope even when it is cold and dark outside.

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