Friday 30 December 2011

The Duality of our existence is reflected in those who enter our lives

“In life you will meet two kinds of people, ones who will hold you up and one who will tear you down. In the end you will thank them both.” Toure.
I read this quote yesterday and it really made my heart sing. Sometimes we are so down and out on our luck that we forget that everyone comes into our lives for a reason. Even those people we come to despise. But as time moves on, we realise the people that caused us the most pain taught us something invaluable about ourselves and about life.
The people we despise are actually our greatest teachers and this is why we feel so much passion towards them.  Though they are hurting us and in some cases tearing us apart they are teaching us to dig deep to understand what we will and will not tolerate. What we want and do not want. How we want to be treated and not treated. How we can learn empathy rather than sympathy. How much more we have to learn about ourselves. These people challenge us to almost a breaking point sometimes and when they do, know they are our deepest darkest shadows asking us to address whatever it is we are trying to suppress from the world and more importantly from ourselves.
The people who are in our lives to build us up are the easiest people we encounter because they are there for us no matter what and they provide the crutch we need when we are facing our shadow selves. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have these angels in our lives have so much to be grateful for because these people stand by us without judgement and without regret. They stand by us offering us glimmers into our light side to remind us the darkness shall soon pass.
Those who are against us are mirrors to our shadow selves. Those who build us up are mirrors to our light selves. Both are necessary to provide us with the balance and growth we need to become who we are meant to be. Embrace both of these people because they are here to help us to become our authentic selves.  Hard to do sometimes but necessary for our growth.

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