Thursday 15 December 2011

Unconditional love

What happens when the energy is constantly being sucked out of us? What happens when life keeps giving us lemons and we make the best lemonade we can but no one wants it or likes it? What happens when we have to dig so deep inside to find a glimmer of ourselves to make sure we still exist? What happens then? Where do we turn? Who do we have to rely on?
The answer to all these questions is sometimes in life we are all going to feel like we are at wits end. That life is testing us too much and we can't give anymore. That's when we all have to go to our place of silence and contemplate. That place of silence can be in the form of doing something we truly love so we can release some endorphins into our blood stream to give ourselves hope or sit in silence, meditate or do whatever brings some peace so we can think.
As I said yesterday our lives are a direct result of the choices we make. The paths we take are as a result of the choices we make. There is no problem in changing direction from time to time. Moving to another path. Making another choice. Life is all about the choices we make and sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we can change our lives whenever we want to but it takes a lot of nerve to do it. To face people that are close to us who want us to go in one direction but our heart is telling us to go in another direction. To be strong enough to recognise that every decision we make will have an effect on our energy and that energy will ultimately impact everyone we come into contact with. To be responsible for all decisions and outcomes and not place blame on anyone outside of ourselves for where we end up.
Fear is at the base of all our rough patches in our lives whenever we move toward the light and love and that love must be unconditional. Unconditional love is very hard for us as human beings to attain and once we attain it, even more difficult to sustain because it means that we must love someone or something no matter what. It means we cannot judge the persons based on anything they may say or do. It means we will always be there no matter what happens.
If we could love unconditionally all the time, life would be so much easier but we all come into this life with issues/ lessons we must deal with and learn. And as result we are all coming from a place of pain which is in essence fear. And wherever and whenever there is fear, the love that comes is conditional. It has terms attached to it. Demands that are often the projections of our own fear. And we often confuse our projections as being the fault of someone else.
Do you remember how it feels when you first fall in love? How suddenly the world opens up more to you? How people are more attracted to you? Goals you have been trying to attain suddenly materialise. Everything looks and feels wonderful and you feel like you can accomplish anything you want. The reason why this happens is because when we first fall in love we open our hearts and when we open our hearts, we open our minds to hope and endless possibility. We become like the Queen Bee because everyone can smell the honey we are giving off and they all want some. So they help us in any way they can. They are not repelled by us.
Imagine if we could live our lives in this state of unconditional love all the time regardless of what tests are placed in our way. Imagine if we could love everyone and everything unconditionally how much more opportunity would come our way. Imagine. Imagine if we could put ego and fear to one side all the time. Imagine.
What we all have to come to terms with as well is that there is a blessing in everything that comes our way because circumstances whether good or bad allow us to learn more about ourselves every single time if have an open heart and mind coming from a place of unconditional love.

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