Tuesday 13 September 2011

Nothing is impossible and the Impossible is Possible

My son and I are reading Duncton Wood written by William Horwood together.  It is set in the English countryside about a community of moles that is losing its soul but is saved by courage and love.  It is a wonderful story about the power of faith, spirit, love, patience, and perseverance.  I first read it in 2001 when my love, my husband, gave it to me as a Christmas present but for some reason I felt compelled to reread it to my son some ten years later. Sharing this experience with him has been delightful and enlightening for us both and I am getting so much more out of the book than I did then.
As we were reading tonight, Bracken, a mole seeking enlightenment without knowing that he already possesses it and Boswell, an enlightened mole who discovers that no matter how enlightened he might have thought he was, the more he discovers he must learn, face one of the greatest enemies of mole legends, a large hound called Gelert of Siabod. Gelert tracks their scent and traps them under a slate after seriously injuring Boswell. Bracken feels helpless but can’t face another one of his mentors dying.
As a result, Bracken draws upon his life experiences  where he failed to see that the answer was right there in front of him and realises for the first time that he alone controls his destiny and he cannot let fear obscures his vision. So he calls upon The Stone, the spiritual power of moles, to give him the strength to face his fear and confront it. Suddenly his fear is replaced with a determination and his scent of fear transfers from him to Gelert. Gelert then begins to retreat and howls a defeated and frightened cry that Boswell hears and gives him the strength to tell Bracken that he needs to enlist Gelert to bring him their healer, Rebecca, who also happens to be Bracken’s love, to heal him. Bracken speaks his message to the Stone over and over again until he has the confidence to tell Gelert what he needs. Gelert gets the message and goes in search of the thing that the moles are looking for. The hunter becomes the hunted. The fear transfers to the fear giver.
Bracken was able to accomplish this by believing totally in his own power through his faith and his faith became so massive that he knew without any doubt “that the impossible was possible.” I nearly cried when I read this passage because I had read a phrase today just before my Yoga class began and it said, “Nothing is impossible.”
When the class began, our teacher asked us to think of our intention for the class and my intention was to discover what that phrase meant. After the class I had to do some things that took me away from my process so I lost touch with my intention until tonight when I was doing something out of love, reading to my son.
Chills ran through my being when I read this passage to my son because I heard the message from the Universe loud and clear and understand that it is telling me that even though I may not see the way at the moment, even though my path may be clouded, despite my great fear of the unknown, if I have faith, patience, perseverance and love, “Nothing is impossible and the impossible is possible.” I hear you Universe and for this I am truly grateful.

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