Monday 26 September 2011

Negativity fuels negativity

I learnt an invaluable lesson last night. In retrospect it is something I have always known but had suppressed.
While reading with my son, I rediscovered that when we react to people in the same aggressive and anger manner they acted toward us, all we do is reinforce their power over us. When we send them love and light and not the same anger and aggression, often the bogeyman goes away – afraid, of the fact that we are not afraid of them.
Many of the most evil people in the world get their power because we continue to feed it to them. It is difficult to rise above those that taunt, humiliate and bully because, by nature we want to retaliate and cut them down. But that is not the best reaction. Instead what we need to do is to send those people love and light to deflate the negativity they are spewing. To stop it from flowing into us. To end the vicious cycle of negativity and instead spread love.
I am going to try my hardest to live my life with love and light. I know as I am an infallible human being that sometimes I will not be able to be that strong all the time but if I try to do so more than not, I know my life will move in directions I thought not possible. And on those days when I do stumble and fall by being drawn into negative energy, I know there is something about me that I have not addressed and that negative energy was sent to me as gift for me to adjust the energy that I am projecting.
Hopefully in preparing myself to go forth in life by not fighting negative energy with negative energy but by seeing it for what it is, a blessing to share love, I will do my part in helping to shift the earth’s energy. But more importantly by doing so, I will set the example for my children to follow so they will go into the world filled with love and light. Imagine if each of us lived this way how much more love we would be able to bring back into our world.
Let’s all try it today and see how much lighter we feel... I know I do already.

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