Thursday 22 September 2011

Expressing Gratitude

Right now we are constantly being bombarded by what is going wrong in our society and how things are not the way they used to be. People are feeling stressed and concerned about where they are going and how they will survive.
This morning I woke up with an overwhelming desire to express gratitude for the abundance in my life and when I did so an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquillity washed over me. And once I felt this serenity, I decided I would share this simple ritual through my blog.
Expressing gratitude has a way of opening our hearts to the gifts and treasures freely available to all of us from the Universe. It opens us to possibility because when we express gratitude we automatically liberate ourselves from the scarcity mentality. And the reason why this happens is because when we express gratitude we recognise no matter how horrible we may think our lives are at that moment in time, it is only a moment in time and there are always other moments to be grateful for. As time moves on, the daily ritual of expressing gratitude, allows us to learn that even those bad days were there to teach us something and opened our eyes to opportunities we would not have seen otherwise.
Every night for the past fifteen years I have written a grateful journal and it is interesting to look back through those journals to see the varied paths my life has taken me on and how even on those days when I felt like I could not breathe, there was something on that day that lifted my spirits and helped me see just how abundant my life really is. Expressing gratitude shifts us from thinking the world is on our shoulders to knowing the world is with us pushing us along if we work with it.
Try practising giving thanks for such simple things as waking up in the morning and working your way up to recognising there is so much abundance in your life. Soon you will feel your heart and soul open and so will others and then you’ll be amazed by what you will start to attract.

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