Friday 16 September 2011

Clouds always give way to the sun

This morning I woke up to an unexpected sky – it was still dark but the sky was clear. Totally unexpected from the weather that had been predicted. The day that was dawning was magical as the sun streamed through the dark sky casting a glow through the universe.  Signalling a new day. A day full of possibility. A day full of the unexpected.
Between the time I woke up and taking my children to school, the heaviness of the air surrounding Bermuda overcame the bright and brilliant morning obscuring its light and replacing it with heavy dark clouds. Menacing.  A stillness enveloped the air except for the odd call of the kiskadees, roosters and other small creatures.
The suddenness and completeness of the change was startling to me even though I had woken up with the thought that this was what the day was supposed to be like. But I had been lulled by the beauty of the dawning day into thinking otherwise. I needed to shake the disappointment that was threatening to overcome me. So I went to my meditation spot created by my family for me and I went inward to try to understand why my mood had shifted because of the changing weather.
Once I came out of my meditation and I looked around at the dark sky and the looming rain, I realised that the weather was trying to show me that just like life sometimes the expected becomes the unexpected before becoming the expected again. And that possibility does not always show up shiny and bright all the time. Sometimes it is hidden by the darkness and gloom. But what we must always remember is the glimpse of possibility before it is obscured by the dark and gloom because only then will we know that possibility exists and if we are patient even greater possibilities than we ever thought possible would ultimately shine through.
And you know what, now I am grateful and humbled to know that I am a part of a Universe that is constantly changing, constantly renewing, and constantly full of wonder. And that’s exactly how my life should be – constantly changing, constantly renewing and constantly full of wonder.  But more importantly, I should not let expectations cloud my judgement because clouds are always replaced by sunshine, hope and possibility.
Ironically as I was completing this blog, the rain cleared and out came the sun once again affirming to me that possibilities abound...

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