Friday 31 August 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a blue moon. We have all heard this expression and if you are anything like me, you thought it meant fat chance. Not in this lifetime. Once in a blue moon was always a flippant comment on my behalf. Well the Universe is letting me know today that anything is possible in this lifetime because today is a Blue moon. The second one for this year. A magical year for us. A year to believe in the impossible. A year to believe that the blue moon sometimes doesn’t just come once, it can come twice as it has for us this year.
I love astrology. I love learning about the Universe. Because through them I learn that there is so much more in this world, in this universe that we will never understand. Never comprehend. Because it is so much bigger than us but yet we are a part of it. Because of that fact, we sometimes just have to go for it. Trust in the Universe and accept there are some things that are beyond our human comprehension but they are not meant to stop us from believing in magic. Not meant to stop us from achieving.
The other day my nine year old daughter’s tooth fell out and she is on the cusp of whether she still believes in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and all the other magical tales we tell our children. So she asked me if the tooth fairy was real or if it is just us. And I was on the verge of telling her that the tooth fairy is not real. Just like Santa Claus is not real. And then I stopped myself. Instead thinking who am I to destroy her belief in magic. Who am I to hasten her development from childhood to adulthood.
So I turned the question back on her and asked her what she believed. She shrugged her shoulders with a glint of amusement in her eyes. A mischievous smile on her face then walked away. She came back with her tooth in a box and said she was going to leave it out for the tooth fairy. As luck would have it, I got busy and forgot all about the tooth so the tooth fairy did not come that night and my daughter was devastated. Trying to ease her disappointment, I told her it was because the wind was too strong and our sensor lights kept coming on so the tooth fairy didn’t come because she didn’t want to be seen. I told her to put her tooth back out. That night she not only put her tooth out in her box. She put it in front of our bedroom door with a note to the tooth fairy such that when I came out of the bedroom I had no choice but to remember to leave her something from the tooth fairy.
Needless to say she woke up elated that the tooth fairy had remembered her and had visited and left her money. But what’s even more priceless is that she and I both know that the tooth fairy is really a figment of our imagination. A conjured up figure to help us to believe there is something more out there for us. A blurred figures that exists to let us know that if we believe in magic, magical things happen.
We have been given the rare treat of not one but two blues moons this year, the expression  once in a blue moon now taking on a whole new meaning for me. Because now I know I need to be careful about what I say will only occur once in a blue moon considering I know they really do happen and sometimes more than once. So who knows the tooth fairy may be real and so may Santa so why would I ever stop believing in magic or asking my children to. It’s magic that paves the way for miracles because it allows us to be open and receptive to believe in that which we don’t understand. To have faith in the Universe. To have been given the gift of two blue moons this year to me means this year is a year of change, growth and magic. To believe our lives are miracles every single day.
I don’t know about you but I am so grateful to be waking up this morning on the last day of the month with a blue moon coming tonight.  The very day Neil Armstrong, the first man to have walked on the moon is being laid to rest. To know that life is full of synchronistic events pulling us together. Presenting us with opportunities to explore our impossibilities. And knowing nothing happens by chance. Everything happens for a reason and I am open and ready and grateful to the Universe for every single one. Today is a magical, mythical and marvellous day and I intend to bask in it because it only happens once in a blue moon....

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