Thursday 9 August 2012

Everything we do, we do for love

Everything we do, we do for love. Even on those days when we think we are dark and want to hurt , at the base of it , it is because we feel deprived of love. Some of us are love seekers without realising we are love and we don’t have to seek it. We always have love when we open our hearts and shut out our egos.
According to Deepak Chopra, Love is the source and love is the goal. Our hearts are comforted when we give because we know that giving is good. It is not the receiver that is loved,  it is the giver. Think back to when you have given something from the depths of your heart and how warm and loved your whole being felt. I can feel that warmth going thorough me now just thinking of those occasions. When we give without expectation. When we give with no strings attached. When we give because our hearts want to give, there is nothing like the feeling we receive ourselves in the process. To see the look of gratitude on the face of the receiver is enough to make our hearts sing. There is nothing like that feeling.
The beauty of love is in giving it away, we are left with more than what we had before. Love is the answer to it all.
Deepak Chopra says, “We are the same being in different disguises”. No matter who we meet. No matter who comes into our lives. Every single one of them is a part of us. And if we remember that even when their beliefs may differ from ours, we will develop a whole new sense of compassion, empathy and love. Because we will understand that no matter what, we are interconnected in more ways than we imagine which in turn leaves space for forgiveness rather than judgement.
As my Yoga teacher said yesterday forgiveness is not for the sake of making ourselves feel superior to whomever may have caused us grief. Forgiveness is opening ourselves to give forth love and understanding. The more we give love, the more the Universe will give back to us.
Love is a freeing feeling and because it is we must remember to allow others to give to us. To show us love because when we do it opens our heart to them. By accepting the gift of love from others we allow them to feel love which in turn makes us feel love as well. Creating a feeling of Universal Love, a powerful and unconditional love.
As my meditation with Chopra said, We are all here to love one another as long as it is given in balance without one giving more than other. The divine exchange between giving and receiving unfolds naturally when we give of our hearts rather than our heads.
Universal love is what makes us all feel good. And the great thing about love is that it does not cost anything. It is free and available to anyone willing to open their hearts to it. Love is the equalizer for us all. It is our essence selves. Meant to be shared. 
Here’s to giving and receiving love.

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