Friday 10 August 2012

Appreciating solitude

There is nothing like the silence of the morning. Like the solitude of thoughts. Waking up in the morning opening the blinds and seeing a lone star shining in the window at me. Letting me know we are never alone. There is always someone or something in the Universe awake when we are. Watching over us. Guiding us. Always.
There is something to be said about having quality time alone to collect my thoughts. To assemble them in that moment. To understand what my essence self is trying to tell me. To listen. Just listen. Not question. Not filter. Just listen.
There is nothing like the sound of silence. Even when thoughts threaten to overpower it. Even when the mind wanders. The truth is we have to let the mind wander because eventually it will arrive at the answer we have been seeking. Trying to resist a wandering mind causes it to wander that much more.
I like waking up early in the morning giving gratitude for the day. Thanking the universe for allowing me to wake up again. Asking it to give me the strength and wherewithal to face the challenges that come my way. To have the clear sight to see the opportunities that present themselves. To go for the ones that resonate with my soul on a deeper level. To let the ones go that don’t. But to always thank the Universe for delivering.
There is nothing like watching the morning waking up. The darkness giving way to the light. Twilight becoming morning light letting me know to every ending there is a beginning. Allowing me to breathe and surrender. Allowing me to cherish those moments of alone time fuelling me for the day. Allowing me to go out into the world full of gratitude and love. There is really nothing like it.
Good day to me and to us all as we remember to give ourselves moments of solitude when we can rejoice for all that we have and all that we are about to receive. For being in the moment. Amen.

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