Thursday 16 August 2012

Letting go and letting it be

Thursday! Only Thursday. I woke up this morning stunned that today is only Thursday. This week has been a very trying one for me both mentally and physically. I have not had much sleep at all for various reasons. As a result I am physically and mentally exhausted. My brain is all over the place trying to remember everything I have to do. Trying not to forget anything or anybody.
I am so tired that this morning I had trouble getting out of bed. And when I did I realised I had not given myself that much time to centre myself. To set my intention for the day. To calm the anxiety rushing through me. At first I started to panic. Telling myself it was going to be a bad day.
But then I decided to sit down to write this blog just to assemble the thoughts in my brain in a way that made sense. And once I started to type I felt the tension oozing out of my fingers on to the page. Almost as if I had found my place on the stage. I realised my intention today and everyday is to be and to do the best I can with the resources I have. To not allow negativity to take over. To not allow ego to stand in the way of my desire to be full of love, light, peace and prosperity. To not allow self doubt to derail my ability to be anything I believe I can be. To not give up on faith and trust in the Universe. To remember my Divine Plan is unfolding as it is meant to unfold.
I then felt a sense of peace rushing through me as I remembered today will only be a trying day if I allow it to be. If I try to swim against the tide rather than floating with it. So here’s what my mantra for the day will be, “I am love. I am light. I am peace. I am all that I am because I am meant to be here. I forgive myself for any transgressions. And forgive others for theirs. Accepting I am human. I go into the world today full of love, light, peace, possibility and compassion. And I allow the day to unfold as it is meant to unfold. I surrender to the powers of the Universe. And for all of my blessings I am truly grateful.”
And when I finished typing, I saw this thought for the day on, "Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness." Thich Nhat Hanh
In gratitude to the universe for giving me confirmation I am on the right track so today I let go and let it be.


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