Friday 17 August 2012

The delicate and natural balance of nature

I love watching the rain lightly falling against a backdrop of green with sunlight streaming through. Watching the birds flying by to the symphony of the light rain pattering against the leaves. Watching nature replenishing itself. Giving itself the water and sun it needs to sustain itself. A perfect illustration of balance itself. Harmony at its best.
There is so much we can learn from nature.  So much we can take from it about how we are meant to live. How there is always enough. How resourceful it is. How one change can impact the whole ecological system. Nature is so beautiful and so inspiring because it shows there is a natural and delicate balance to life. If something is introduced that does not belong it can threaten the whole ecological system. Letting us know how important it is for us to get the balance right in our lives. Too much or too little of one thing is not good for us overall.
I didn’t always enjoy watching the sun and rain. Rain and sun together I was told was the devil beating his wife when I was young. It used to frighten me because I always thought evil lurked when there was sun and rain. I used to envision the devil having a great time beating his wife and sending out evil vibes to the world. I used to fear those days so much the concept still enters my mind whenever I see the two together even as an adult. The sun and rain together taking me back to my youth. Reminding me how important it is not to kill the magic for our children. Not to fill them with fear. How important it is for us to let their imaginations develop without us intentionally trying to box them in. Burdening them with our beliefs rather than letting them explore and come to their own conclusions.
Now that I am older I see the beauty of the sun and rain together. The symbiotic relationship they share. The rain and the sun together giving nature the best of both worlds. The sun it needs for photosynthesis. The rain it needs for replenishment. To help its roots to grow. To allow it to flourish. Naturally and delicately providing balance to each other. In harmony – a lesson for us all.

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