Tuesday 7 August 2012

There comes a time

There comes a time in all of our lives when we must face facts. When we must decide who we are and where we are going. When we can no longer hide from ourselves. When our essence self says enough’s enough and it’s time for the real us to emerge. When we stop questioning who it is that is pounding at our inner soul and we accept ourselves for who we are.
There comes a time when lies and deceit have no seat at the table. When all we want is the truth. When we can’t stand the manipulation and games that people play. When we want to expand our energy on things and people that resonate with us rather than people and things that take our energy away from us. Steal from us. Because we start to recognise that we are creating the situations that we find ourselves in. The people that come into our lives.
We start to realise we attract that which we project. We realise if we want better outcomes and better people to come into our lives then we have to adjust the way we think and believe. We realise when we are tested over and over again that we are growing exponentially and the people and events that knock us off guard are the best teachers we can ever have because they are taking us deeper and deeper into our essence selves. Allowing us glimpses into our shadow selves. Into that part of ourselves that is hidden so deep we don’t even know it is there.
And we are shocked when we understand we are being confronted by our own shadow selves. Not really by other people or events but by ourselves.  And then we understand that person or event was brought to us to teach us. To help us to move to the next level. To help us to understand more about what it is that we either want from life or don’t want from life.
There comes a time when we stand in front of the mirror and the image that is looking back at us is finally one that we feel comfortable with rather than one that brings us discomfort. There comes a time when we become who we are for what we are. And I feel I am getting nearer because I feel so out of sorts like I don’t know who I am anymore. Like the person that I had been carefully creating all my life may not be the person that I am meant to be. Like there is an awakening going on in me that I’m not quite sure where it is taking me but I am willing to go for the ride. To ride the flow. To see who and what emerges.
Like the butterfly emerging  from the cocoon, I feel I am on the verge and I am trying to learn as much as I can about my essence self, my shadow self so I can bring love, light and peace unto myself. Which will then radiate out into the world. This is my dream. My goal. 

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