Saturday 1 September 2012

The blue moon making way for new beginnings

August ended with a blue moon. Making way for a new beginning. A new month. September.  The end of August always signifies the end of summer for me. Making way for fall. When I was young I used to get really sad when I thought of summer ending. Thinking it meant my wings were going to be clipped because I had to go back to school.
Now that I’m older I realise life is a process. A journey. Full of beginnings and endings. Full of people that come into my life for a reason. Sometimes to stay for a short while. Just enough to teach me a lesson. Sometimes there are those that come and go. In and out of my life. Often to reconnect me with myself. To remind me of instances in my life that become pivotal. To remind me of how not to be. And then there are others who are in my life for the duration. Those who stand by me through thick and thin. Those who do not judge me, envy me, or betray me.
When I was younger I used to resent certain people. Feel they were intruding in my space uninvited. Or I used to feel deep hatred toward those who hurt me. Cutting them off. Believing they were no good to me. But as I have grown older and begun to explore my feelings and the world a bit more, I realise that every single one of those people that came and come into my life are there to teach me a lesson. Some to teach me how to be. Others to teach me how not to be.
So I no longer hold resentment to anyone for long periods of time. Sure I feel hurt when I discover the true nature of people. I feel the pain deep in my gut because I am human and I do have feelings. But what I tell myself is this too shall pass. And I tell myself regardless of how much someone has hurt me, they have actually been sent as my angel. I realise they are here to either force me to face my shadow self – exposing my flaws to me and asking me to examine my own motives and correct them. Or they are here to expose me to my spiritual self – the one that is here to bring love, light, compassion, empathy and understanding to myself and to those I encounter.  And then I accept the lesson. The hardest lesson being the one that hurts me the most and I breathe through it quietly thanking the Universe and the person for helping me. And invariably, in time, the pain eases. The person no longer bothers me and eventually if they are meant to, they disappear or change. Not because I forced them to change but because I changed the way I reacted to them by releasing my attachment and expectations of them. Only then does my pain disappear completely but the lesson always remains.
Just like August has ended signalling the ending of summer. And September has started signalling the beginning of school for my children and the coming of fall, there is a time and place for everything and everyone. Sometimes people are meant to be in our lives forever and other times they are not. It is up to us to learn the lessons they bring so we will be able to distinguish between those who are meant to be in our lives for the duration and those who aren’t. Loving them and letting them go just the same. I try to teach this lesson to my children every single day particularly when they are hurting about people that have hurt them. And one day hopefully they will learn through my example that they can’t hold on to pain that is caused by something beyond their control because all they will be doing is inviting in the same pain and not being able to move beyond to find out how they are meant to be and, more importantly, how they are not meant to be.
In life there is a season for everything and everyone. Sometimes we’re up and sometimes we’re down. But if we remain full of forgiveness, full of love, full of compassion and full of empathy, in time all will be revealed to us. Only then will we see life is a journey. A process. Full of beginnings and endings. 

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