Monday 20 August 2012

Replacing Monday morning blues with gratitude

I woke up this morning realising it was Monday. Instantly feeling the Monday morning blues. Feeling anxious about what this week was going to bring. And then I closed my eyes and decided instead of allowing the negative to set my mood for the day, I would shift my thought process from gloom to gratitude. To being grateful for waking up to another Monday rather than dreading this Monday. To being grateful for the possibilities that exist with every moment of the day rather than focusing on the impossibilities. And I felt my mood shift. Felt my body get lighter. Even felt a smile spread across my face.
I then pushed back the covers and got out of bed. Feet on the ground. Eyes straight ahead. Intention set for the day – to tackle every obstacle that comes my way with good intentions. To allow the negative thoughts to flow through me so I can feel them and acknowledge them then to turn them into opportunities.
I came into my office and flipped my calendar for the day and it read, “I use my mind and thoughts to enhance my life.” And then I breathed because I knew the Universe was on my side. I felt anticipation and gratitude flowing through my veins. I felt on top of the world. That nothing would impede my positive attitude today.
But then as if I was being tested, my positive attitude was abruptly interrupted when I looked at my work emails. There were two rush requests glaring at me. Instantly I felt overwhelmed because I had decided I was going to give myself a break from work over the weekend so I did not go in to do one of the items that was now a rush.  I berated myself for not doing what I should have done. My mood shifting from one of possibility to impossibility. Thoughts of disappointing others crowding my brain.
And then I thought of my quote for the day, “I use my mind and thoughts to enhance my life.” I thought about the intention I had set for the day, to focus on the possibilities that exist rather than the impossibilities. And I inhaled and exhaled. Being conscious of my breath. Feeling the tension easing out of me. Allowing thoughts of my wonderful weekend to replace the dread of the day ahead. Allowing images of the quality time I had spent with friends and family to flow through my mind. Feeling the warmth of the memory of totally relaxing yesterday with my family. Enjoying the rain that fell outside as we snuggled together as a family watching movies inside. Lazing about. Not hurrying. Giving ourselves the day to just be with each other. No demands.  No pressures.
Allowing the fact to flow through me that I deserved to take a weekend off. To give my mind a break. To be with my family and friends. To recharge. To accept that sometimes switching off is what we need in order to be more effective. To allow space to be more effective.
I then sent emails back to those who sent the rush requests and said I will do the best I can today. And I felt a whole lot better. Because I intend to follow my intention set for today to see the possibility in every situation rather than the impossibility. To be grateful for seeing another Monday. To be grateful for having a job and people making demands on me. All while recognising I am one person doing the best I can with the resources I have. And then I exhaled and looked out the window at the light peeking through the dark clouds and knew the Universe was smiling down on me for recognising as Reverend Ed Bacon said to Oprah yesterday, “In every moment something sacred is at stake.”. In every moment there exists a choice for us to either look at the glass as half empty or as half full. And it's up to us to decide how we want to be perceived. 


  1. Love this. I hope the universe gave you an amazing day! You sharing your life inspires me to be more aware...and open to the adventurous world around me. As always...beautiful!

  2. Thank you ladies. Yes it was amazing how I was able to change my mindset all day long once I realised I could.
