Saturday 10 November 2012

We all have something to share

There is a great importance in giving back. In sharing our life experiences with others so they know they are not alone. In helping to lift another up out of the shadows of darkness. Only then will we know success as humans. Many of us, including me, think in order to change the world we need to do something grandiose. Make a huge statement. Have our names up in bright lights so all the world can see. But what I am learning as I age, it is the little things in life that have the greatest ripple effects in our consciousness. And the reason why they do is because  they come from a place of genuine human kindness and love.
The simple little things in life are not done to gain accolades from the masses. They are done because it is our natural instinct to do them. And when our actions are natural rather than forced they resonate that much more throughout our human consciousness and existence.
The smallest gestures fill our spirits with the most joy. Simple pleasures like smiling at someone who looks like they need a smile. And seeing their whole soul brightening. The feeling coming back to us.  Complimenting someone because they look good to you. And feeling their spirit lift. And feeling it boomerang back to us. Helping someone in need and feeling their gratitude pour back in us. Really listening to someone when they need to be heard. And feeling their burdens lessen. Spending quality time with our families. Taking some time to appreciate all the abundance in our lives because even when we feel like we have none, we do. There is always the presence of abundance in our lives simply from waking up in the morning. Only then do we learn not to take any simple gesture or person for granted.
We are all here to bring joy into someone’s life. Even if that someone is ourselves. Success and abundance are not measured by how much we have. Nor are they measured by how many recognize us for what we have done. Success and abundance come from that place in our inner most selves that is filled with contentment and joy for all the simple pleasures in our lives.
Many of us falsely believe we have nothing to share when in essence we always have something to share. Because it is the simplicities in life that bring us the most joy. Imagine how different our world would be if we recognized our joy and spread it to someone else.  What a wonderful world it would be.

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