Saturday 14 January 2012

Thoughts and abundance

Yesterday morning I had so many thoughts swirling through my mind that I decided I to lose myself in nature to remind myself of who I am. I walked from my house to Elbow Beach. Walked slowly along the beach. Taking deep breaths. Listening to the crushing sounds of the ocean. Stopping and looking out over the ocean. Realising again that the world is really an abundant place with enough abundance for us all to share as I looked out over the horizon.  Seeing no end.  I started snapping pictures to try to capture the beauty I was witnessing. And I exhaled.

Seeing footprints in the sand wondering how different their path was to mine. Knowing there are those who have walked before me and those who come after me. Hoping mine would be prints of purpose and love. I snapped a photo of the footprints and walked on. Feeling strength growing with every step. Love and wonder. I inhaled and exhaled. 
I walked up the hill past the hotel feeling like I was in paradise as I watched the palm trees gently swaying in the breeze. As I saw the colour green as vividly and as lushly as I could remember.  I snapped  pictures trying to capture the utopia I was experiencing. And I exhaled again.
I walked along the road surprised by many of the wonders I take for granted – the garden that grows behind the bus stop. Providing an oasis in the midst of the daily grind. I snapped a picture of it as well so I wouldn’t forget it. Again I exhaled.
I turned into the old railway trail where once again I was removed from modern trappings. Taking a step back in time as I was enveloped by trees on either side and in some places providing a canopy over my head. Snuffing out the light. I inhaled deeply and walked through listening to the sound of the trees and leaves rustling in the breeze. Almost like they were whispering secrets to each other. I wondered what stories they could tell about all they have seen. I snapped more pictures. And I exhaled.
Then as I was almost at the end of the trail I came upon a solitary bench near a tree facing a memorial park for a young lady that had been brutally murdered in Bermuda many years ago. Shocking our community. I snapped a picture of that bench because there it stood in the midst of nature. Empty. But with purpose. Strong, yet inviting. And I realised that sometimes we will have to face life all alone with only our inner strength to carry us through but if we stand strong and remain true to ourselves the darkness will always turn to light and we will be okay. I inhaled the knowingness and exhaled the unknowingness. And I felt lighter. Richer. Full of love.
I walked out of the trail onto the main road leading back to my home and realised that when I first started my walk my mind was so clogged with thoughts I hadn’t even seen the beauty that was right in front of my face. I live on a tree lined street that invites you in like you are in a fairy tale. A place that if you want to believe in magic and fairies and possibility, you can because they have a place to be. It was then I knew that I live in paradise. I need to remember where I am even when I am going through hell because as Winston Churchill said, "if you are in hell, keep going". And in my case knowing I am surrounded by heaven all the time, I now understand hell is only a temporary state of being. Heaven, Paradise, Utopia are always if I open my eyes, heart and soul to them. And I exhaled for a long and peaceful time as I felt my mind, body and soul being embraced by love and light.

And for the blessings of nature I am truly grateful. Namaste.

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