Wednesday 4 January 2012

When doors close in your face it's because they're not the right ones

“Maybe you’re the reason why all the doors are closed, so you can open the one that leads you to the perfect road.” Katy Perry.
Can you believe this quote comes from a Katy Perry song?  I read this and couldn’t believe it was from her Fireworks song. It is such a profound statement that made me reflect on life and closed doors. I came to the conclusion that when doors close in our faces, it is because we are actually willing them to close. We know deep down inside these doors are not meant to be open for us in the first place. Subconsciously we know when something is not right for us but often fail to take note of that inner feeling.  Instead we let outside influences direct us to open doors we are not ready to open.  We always know from a deep place within when the doors are not the right ones for us – not the right opportunities.
My whole experience last year after my job shut down taught me how true this statement really is. I knew I wanted to take the rest of the year off because I was so burnt. I could not believe after all the hard work and sacrifice my team had been through that someone could fly in and tell us we were not needed anymore. Just like that the lights were turned off and the party was over.
I wanted and needed to take some time to process what had happened in my life. I needed some time to reassess where I was. I also knew I needed to get rid of the bitter taste that was left in my mouth so I did not take the jadedness with me to the next opportunity.  I wanted some time to explore who I was. And during that time opportunities came my way that did not resonate with me at all but because I was feeling pressured by outside influences I pursued some of them against my better judgment. Not one of those doors proved to be the right ones for me. And I was glad to know my intuition was correct.
A note to us all when we feel like doors are closing in our faces we must remember it’s because the one that will lead us to our perfect road is still waiting for us to open it. We have to have patience, faith, focus and hope even when the doors slam in our faces to know that we are where we are meant to be.
We must remember when the time is right, doors will fling open for us allowing us to enter into a world designed to help us grow into the people we are meant to be.  Allowing us to accept and understand that no matter how difficult our trials may be and no key seems to fit any of the locks on the closed doors, when the time is right and the opportunity is right, we will discover we always had the key but we were simply trying to open the wrong door.

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