Thursday 5 January 2012

Emotions are journeys not destinations

Why is it sometimes no matter how much we get in touch with our inner spirit we still feel the weight of the world on our shoulders? Why is it sometimes the inner chatter takes us on a much different road than we ever expected? Why is it sometimes the inner circle we have becomes our greatest challenge?
The reason why these challenges present themselves to us is because they open us up to dig even deeper to a place we glimpse but cannot hold onto forever because this place is reserved for the toughest lessons. It is the place of silence within our authentic selves. It is a place where we can hear the voice of angels. A place where we know the light always shines. A place where we feel the joy that is ever present in our lives but don’t always feel. A place always filling us back up when we feel empty even when we don't realise it.
I have discovered that we are challenged every time we reach a state of comfort to allow us to understand how strong we really are. And to let us know we are in charge of our destinies - no one else but us. To let us know when we are feeling empty we always have a place to go deep deep within our core to replenish and to feel rejuvenated again.
To know that happiness resides within in and not outside of us. That joy comes from within not outside of us. To let us know that we control our emotions and no one else can unless we allow them in, invite them in. To let us know when we have people that dislike us or speak badly about us, it is not us they are speaking about; rather they are speaking about their own shadow selves. To let us know that along this journey called life, feelings are not destinations they are journeys ever changing, ever moving, dynamic, not static. That to get caught up in thinking we should be happy all the time or should feel a certain way all the time is cheating us from feeling the full depth of our emotions. To know we need not feel bad when we are sad, overwhelmed, jealous or whatever our shadow selves is showing to us. Because when we feel these feelings , we are being asked to explore more about our own selves. Not others.
When we no longer react to the way people are treating us then we know it is no longer about our growth anymore.  It becomes all about their growth. And what we are then being asked to do is to make a decision about whether we want to stay and help that person or people reach their highest and best good by being patient with them and letting them experience their growth or if we want to don our wings and fly away.
As I was writing this I looked up and saw a woman I consider to be my spiritual mother walk by cementing my thought process just by her presence because I know we were drawn together by that unseen string that binds us all together so she could help me understand that other people's demands and reactions are their own and not mine. I have to let them be and not judge them. Not take them on unless I want to. She filled me up. She took me to the place of silence. To that place of my authentic self. And I felt my wings starting to come out again. I felt them spreading wide. I felt the joy inside again and I felt my spirit start to soar. Open. Willing. Ready. Able to stay in the flow. With joy. With acceptance, grace and faith.

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