Sunday 29 January 2012

Change - allows an emergence of our own desires

Sunday – usually my day of bliss but it’s a rushed day for me today as I am preparing for my first business trip for my new job. And mentally preparing myself to be away from my children. Thinking of all I need to prepare so they have a good week without me.  Full of mixed emotions about both. Knowing I have to do what I have to do. Bringing to mind the quote I read, “Change is always fearful to humanity for they perceive it to be unknown rather than an emergence of their own desires.”
I have to accept this change as the stepping stone to my desires. Travelling away from my family to meet new colleagues is all a part of where I am meant to be. So I am resolving in my mind that this too shall pass.
My family has been scattered for a while now. My son soon to be a teenager trying to assert his maturity and independence.  Full of activities, school work and things to do. Challenging his mind. Helping him to grow into a fine young man.
My daughter growing and changing as well. She too busy with all of her activities. Both are gone more than they are at home with us. Growing up and away from us.
I look at them and am reminded that time waits for no one. We have to keep going. Keep moving, Keep changing with the changing dynamics we encounter along the way because if we don’t we become stale, bored, left behind. Looking at my children and seeing how their needs for me have changed, I recognise that change is what takes us to where we want to be – not necessarily in the way we had envisioned it would but it does. Keeping us on our toes. Testing us to see if what we thought we wanted is what we really want. Asking us to challenge ourselves to be authentic and honest with ourselves. Giving us signs of where to go next. What paths to take next.
Sunday – my day of rushing around today – different from how I usually like to spend this day but I accept and embrace this change. Knowing it is helping my own desire to emerge. Helping me to be the best I can be. Metamorphosing like the caterpillar into the butterfly. Winds fully opened flying to the next step.

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