Friday 13 January 2012

Tasting the hands of defeat allows us to become resilient

“You do not become strong until you have tasted the hands of defeat, for out of the ashes comes a soul resilient to the harshness of life.”
This quote is dedicated to those of us who are feeling like we are being tested beyond what we thought we could handle. We all have the ability to withstand the harshness of life. However there are only some of us who believe we can and as a consequence we are tested over and over again. And the reason we are is to allow us to go out into the world as teachers, always knowing we are the student as well because in life the lessons are constantly being taught to help us to become better people.
Life can be every harsh sometimes but if we close our eyes and tell ourselves even the hands of defeat shall pass and imagine what our lives will be like once they have passed  then we will free ourselves from the struggle and we will just go with it. Resisting the challenge, trying to force a solution, or pretending like the challenge/lesson is not there will only prolong its duration. Looking it in the face and learning the lesson it presents is the way forward.
Our inner strength is stronger than any physical strength we could ever have because it is our inner strength that determines our outlook on life. It is this strength that will allow us to weather any storm. It is our ability to cope with whatever or whomever comes our way.
Without inner strength, we would not be able to become resilient to the harshness of life. Defeat, hardships and disappointment are all stripes earned when we rise above them, leaving the ashes of their remains scattered about us as we slowly rise to claim the strong person we are. Spreading our wings like the Phoenix and soaring to heights only we, the strong, can see.

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