Friday 6 January 2012

Drawing inspiration from simply being

This morning I woke up worrying I had no inspiration to write. Thinking too hard. Worrying too much. Putting pressure on myself then I decided to take some time to quiet my mind and contemplate where I was at that moment rather than projecting into the future.
And here’s what I found – inspiration is everywhere.  All around us. Simply waking up in the morning is inspiration enough because we have been given another day to explore who we are. Inspiration comes from opening the windows and seeing the dawn of the new day. Seeing the subtle energy surrounding the trees as the night turns to day. Inspiration comes from listening to the birds chirping outside. The sound of the day coming alive.
Inspiration comes from the belief that we are meant to be here – living, breathing, and sharing this journey called life. Inspiration comes from watching our sleepy children, animals, spouses, friends, or whomever and whatever brings joy to us waking up for the day and seeing the light and anticipation come into their eyes.
I realised with such gratitude that inspiration does not have to come from a lightning bolt bringing me the greatest or most profound thought or idea in the world. Inspiration comes from accepting and appreciating the simplicity of our being in our everyday forms. Just showing gratitude opens our creative side wide and allows in all the joy and wonders that are ever present all around us.
I am inspired just by being me. For existing as I am. For sharing all my joy, wisdom, love, light and peace with you. I am inspired to be the person I am meant to be every day and I don’t have to worry or fret because the inspiration I need is always inside of me as it is in you.
Have an inspiring day by simply being you and being grateful for who you are and where you are as shall I.

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