Monday 19 March 2012

The joy of old fashioned family time


Yesterday we went out as a family and walked along the old railroad trail starting from Somerset Bridge and ended up at Sound View Road in Somerset. The children rode their bikes while we strolled. Stopping along the way to take in the beauty of the Island Bermuda, we call home.
The air was perfect. The ocean crystal clear and still. Allowing us to see right to the bottom. The flowers beautiful. Lizards crawling on flowers. Nature at its best. My children laughing and racing each other. My husband and I holding hands. Pure joy running through us all. Encountering other people enjoying the tranquillity of the day as well. Each person exhibiting the same joy as we were experiencing. Out in the fresh air. Away from computers, televisions. Cell phone packed away. Just walking, riding bicycles, running. Taking in the scenery.
Our children engaging us about topics they may not have otherwise done so if they didn’t feel so free. Watching them exploring the rocks  after we walked down a set of stairs that looked like they would take us right down into the sea. Hearing the excitement in my children voices as they climbed over the rocks. Taking me back to the days when they were a lot younger and exploring was all they wanted to do. Looking out over the ocean and feeling like that little girl again who often looked out over the ocean wondering what people on the other side were doing. Knowing now because of how interconnected we are all from all parts of the world because of social media that some were enduring hardships while others were enjoying the day as we were.
Our walk ending with pure joy. Stopping to see my dad. Seeing the life come back into his eyes when he came outside, sat in the sun and watched his grandchildren riding round his yard on their bikes. My younger brother coming home and sitting with us. Calling my older brother in Tennessee to wish him a happy birthday. Watching my dad’s pride spread across his face as he chatted with my brother from Tennessee. Extended family time together. Not planned. Just happened.
Taking the children to the ice cream parlour on our way home. A good old fashioned treat that never goes out of style. Ending the day with my son saying to me as I was saying good night to him. “Thank you mommy for organising today. It was fun with us all being together. I love you.”
Bending down and kissing my son good night. My heart swelling with pride, love and joy knowing it really is the simple things our children want in life. Love. Security. Family time and good old fashioned quality time. It’s times like those I will always treasure.  Simple unexpected moments.
I thanked my son. Telling him thank you for thanking me and for enjoying our day. Telling him I loved him too.  Inhaling his freshly washed hair. Grateful that I have a teenager who still wants to be with his family. Enjoying the time while he does. Going to bed last night with a full heart. And grateful spirit.

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