Saturday 10 March 2012

Are you an observer or Visionary?

This beautiful and profound quote resonated so deeply with me. It reminded me why it is necessary for us to accept we can always find someone or something to support the way we feel. It is just up to us to decide how we want to feel and what we want to project. The quote is:
 “Those who are mostly observers thrive in good times but suffer in bad times because what they are observing is already vibrating, and as they observe it they include it in their vibrational countenance; and as they include it, the Universe accepts that as their point of attraction – and gives them more of the essence of it. So, for an observer, the better it gets, the better it gets; or the worse it gets, the worse it gets. However, one who is a visionary thrives in all times.” Esther and Jerry Hicks
This quote is reminding us that life is as good as we make it. We attract what we project.
And then I read a blog from Positively Positive that asked a very simple question and I linked it back to my thoughts about changing our perspectives. The question was, “What can I do differently to make this better?” Ask yourself this question the next time you are feeling overwhelmed and instantly you will feel hope, positive even because when you do, you realise it is up to you alone to shift your way of thinking.
Life is exactly what we make it based on the choices we make, based on what we project, based on what we truly believe about ourselves and our capabilities. Once we accept we are the masters of our universe we understand we are pretty powerful beings because only we can shift our consciousness and in doing so we can start shifting the way our world. And we can do so by deciding whether we are observers or visionaries.
Our lives are shaped by how we answer the question, “What can I do differently to make this better?” Am I an observer? Or am I a Visionary?

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