Saturday 3 March 2012

Thunderstorm necessary force of nature and us

Yesterday morning, I was just about to get out of bed to do my normal routines including writing my blog when lightning flashed fiercely through my window and thunder rattled my home. As many of you know, I am terrified of thunderstorms. Instantly I broke out in a sweat, pulled the covers over my head. Despite it being hot, sticky and humid. And lay shaking in my bed.
Flinching with every flash of lightning. Wincing with every crack of thunder. The storm got progressively worse rather than better. I moved over to hug my husband. Needing his reassurance because  I was so terrified.
As fear threatened to consume me, I  questioned why I had such fear when I have been writing about how interconnected everyone and everything is. How we are all one.  Including being a part of nature. A calmness ran through me as a I realised the thunderstorm was just as important and beautiful and necessary as a bright sunny day. Nature has a way of correcting the atmosphere when it becomes too heavy. And it is through the release of thunderstorms that it is able to bring back the balance necessary to bring back calmness.
My whole body relaxed and I watched the flashes darting through my window. I listened to the rolling thunder. I released the fear of what could be. Let go of the worry that my home could be hit. Said a silent prayer to the Universe to protect me, my family and my home from the dangers of the storm. Then surrendered to the moment. To accepting that what was meant to be would be.  To knowing that the thunderstorm was out of my control and there was nothing I could do to change what it was because it was being sent by a force much greater than me.
My daughter than woke up terrified by the storm and I was able to comfort her having surrendered to it. My husband, daughter and I lay in bed talking about what thunderstorms really are. My daughter having just learnt about them in school telling us, “Lightning is a big electric spark that causes the air to heat up and expand which causes the air to pop and that is what causes thunder.”
A peace came over the three of us as we accepted that what we were experiencing was nature correcting itself. Getting rid of its problems so that once again there would be peace. Soon the storm passed. Later than I had hoped. Throwing my routines off. With me having to chose which ones I had to give up in order to make up for lost time. But grateful the storm had given me the opportunity to bond with my husband and daughter without rushing out of bed. Forcing me to change my routine a bit. Getting the most important morning chores done and out of the way before I settled down to write my blog.
Proud that I was able to conquer my fear of thunderstorms. Pleased I was able to get all that I needed to get done and still get out of the house on time. Happy to see just how adaptable I really am. All because of the force of nature. Our every present teacher reminding me about the natural order of things. Reminding me that every once in a while we will experience storms both physically and mentally to teach us how to find our natural balance – to find what centres us and brings us peace. And for the thunderstorm yesterday morning I am truly grateful.

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