Tuesday 27 March 2012

Changing my story

The Oprah Life Class is back and I’m so excited. Last night I watched the live taping of the Iyanla Vanzant class about dealing with pain and I got goose bumps several times . The Aha moments were abundant for me. Opening me up to a whole new reality.
Iyanla asked what is the story we are sticking to instead of honouring what we are feeling and moving beyond it. A particular questions she asked was, "How do we reveal the inadequacy for that lie that it is?"
To reveal the lie, she said we need to remind ourselves that we are not inadequate. It’s just a thought we have. If any thought we have brings us pain or upset, all we have to do is change the thought.
We are masters of our thoughts and as a consequence we are masters of our lives. We control every thought. Every emotion. Every response we have every single second, minute, hour of every single  day. If there is something that we don’t like, all we have to do is change the way we perceive it. If the thought causes us stress or pain, all we have to do is find a different thought. Powerful concept when we think about it. So simple.  So why is it that we can’t get ourselves unstuck sometimes?
The reason is we have been telling ourselves the same story about ourselves over and over again. So much so that we don’t even know what our true feelings, strengths, aspirations and dreams are. We have told ourselves we are not worthy of all that we desire because we are so concerned about being perceived as selfish, arrogant, all consuming. But as Iyanla said last night, there is nothing wrong with being self full. For taking care of ourselves first for replacing our stories with what we really want.
Instead of saying I lost my mother many years ago and I still feel the pain, I now embrace that reality of having had a beautiful loving mother who helped me to become the woman I am today and she is still helping me every day. I feel her presence in my mind, body and soul. I feel her love ever present in my heart, opening it up to receive the love I am worthy of receiving. Helping me to spread that unconditional love to all that I encounter who are open to receive it.
Instead of worrying about whether I am doing the right thing by writing, I am embracing the gift that I have to write. To convey the stirrings of my soul to myself and to those who choose to follow my blog because I am worthy.
In essence I am worthy of all the gifts and treasures that are bestowed upon me because I am more than adequate as I am a child of the Divine, a presence much greater than mine but intertwined with me. As are you. As are we all. Worthy. Gifted. Talented.
We are distracted from our greatness because our greatness is what scares us. Right where you are...God is.” Iyanla Vanzant. 
Who would you be without that story? Who would I be without that story? Who would we be without that story?

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