Sunday 11 March 2012

Daylight saving a thing of the past?

Our lives are constantly in a state of hurrying along as it is. Instant messaging. BB messaging. Facebook. Twitter. Information overload. We need time to sleep. To rejuvenate. Lighten our load. But yet we still have daylight savings where we lose an hour in the day in the spring and gain an hour in the day in the fall.
Losing that hour has become harder and harder for me to accept as I age. I need all the time I can get in a day without losing any second or minute for that matter - let alone an hour! At least that’s what I tell myself. Excuses are sometimes easier than accepting the reality of my human imperfections.
I think we should leave well enough alone. Let time do what it is meant to do, not adjust it for some antiquated system that no longer serves a purpose in our daily lives. Except upset our balance. Make us groggy. Tired. Grumpy. We are already a sleep deprived people. Trying to do as much and sometimes more than we are capable of doing. Because we have placed ourselves on these unnecessary treadmills. Trying to respond immediately. Trying to be everything to all people. Trying to be superhuman. Pushing. Driving. Exhausted. Frustrated. No quality. Just quantity.
So this morning I stayed in bed for that extra hour giving myself permission to sleep in to enjoy my family with me. The comfort and safety of my home before having to face the rush of the new day with one less hour!  Even thinking about it makes me tired but there is nothing I can do about it, it’s there. For reasons I don’t understand. Times have changed. People have changed. Losing an hour can be disruptive rather than beneficial to this modern generation who operates at full speed without taking a break.
But this hour change thing is part of a bigger dynamic than me. Than us. And it is outside my control so I have to let it go and go with the flow.  Even if my flow has one less hour. What I have to tell myself today as Eckhart Tolle says, "Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.” So I guess I never had the extra hour to lose anyway. It is just an illusion. An excuse to justify my inadequacies or should I say human fallacies. Adjusting my mindset is all I can do and go with the flow because it never stops and never loses time.

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