Thursday 29 March 2012

A random act of kindness opens my heart

Last night a friend and I went to dinner. We were having lively discussions when I noticed a man acting very strangely.
He kept pointing at me. I thought I was being paranoid but there was something about him that drew him to me. And me to him.  I thought he was drunk. I thought he was being a public nuisance. He seemed to be harassing one of the waitresses so I thought. Then the manager stepped in and I thought it was to put the man in his place. I just knew the man was up to no good. Then he walked out of the restaurant with a glass in hand. No one stopped him. No one seemed to be bothered by him.
The man never made contact with anyone in the restaurant except the employees. As my friend and I were about to order teas, the waitress told us our meal had been paid for expect if we were to order desserts and coffee. My friend and I looked at each other incredulously.
“Who paid for our meal?” We both asked simultaneously.
Inside I knew it was the man that had been acting strangely but I needed the waitress to confirm it. She said it was a man who comes into the restaurant and from time to time pays for people’s dinners without them knowing it. She said he had paid for everyone in her station which included 4 tables – 2 tables of 2, 1 table of 3 and another table of 8. So in total that gentleman paid for 15 people to eat last night. Without wanting anything in return. Not even a thank you.
None of us could believe it. None of us knew what to say. All of us were grateful for the altruistic and random act of kindness from a man who did not seek accolades, thanks or recognition. He paid for our meals for reasons we will never know but he most definitely did not do it to be recognised or thanked.
This is a man who will always attract abundance in his life because he is so generous with his abundance. Whoever that gentleman is I am sending him a thank you from the bottom of my heart. His random act of kindness reminded me just how good it can feel to be on the other side of someone’s generosity. True generosity with no strings attached. Nothing owed.
He also reminded me that we should never judge someone by the way they are acting because we don’t know them enough to judge. I had written this man of as a public nuisance and he turned out to be an angel in disguise. Reminding me that you never know who your next angel could be so treat everyone with respect and kindness.
My heart was opened last night. My soul rejoiced. My whole being pleased to know that chivalry is not dead and neither is kindness. There is hope for our world when we have people who still act from the abundance of their hearts with no expectations.  And that is a good feeling. 

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