Saturday 24 March 2012

A life lesson from writing

Sometimes I think so hard about what I should write about rather than writing about what comes to my head. Sometimes I start out with one thought only for it to develop into something completely different from where I thought I was going.
And then I realise more than anything that writing correlates life. Sometimes the best laid plans turn out to be the worst thing we could have ever done. Sometimes planning too much, thinking too much, blocks us from seeing what is right in front of us. From experiencing the joy in the moment because we are so focused on achieving that we don’t even see the beauty ever present in our lives.
I have never been a planner. Never set goals or objectives for myself because all my life I have ended up in positions better than I ever envisioned for myself. No one expected anything from me when I was young. No one had plans for me. So I never knew I was supposed to plan anything or project where I wanted to be.
The only thing I ever thought I wanted to be was the first woman Premier of Bermuda because I grew up in the era when Dame Lois Browne Evans dominated the television screen and newspapers as this very powerful woman. And I remember people saying she could the first woman Premier. I didn’t even know what it meant then. But it sounded really important. And I remember thinking there was no way she was going to be the first woman Premier because I was going to be.
Fast forward some 30 something years later and I did not become the first woman Premier. Have never entered politics and don’t really have any plans to in the future. So what I know is no matter how we plan we have to leave ourselves open to walk a different path from the one we thought we should be going down. Be willing to change direction and adjust to our changing personalities, feelings and desires.
I think it is better to accept that sometimes when we don’t get what we want it is often the best thing that could have happened to us. Sometimes not getting what we want allows us to learn a lot more about who we are and what we want. And don’t want.
So here I go writing about nothing as if I am the Seinfeld of the writing world. Writing about nothing in particular but touching a chord in my soul. Because sometimes out of nothing, everything happens because we are more open to information when we are least expecting it.
Just like I have just completed this blog, not knowing where I was going or what I was going to write about but just letting my thoughts flow until they came together to form this blog. A reminder that sometimes we just have to get started. Without a plan. Without any direction. Just faith. And then  we will discover we end up exactly where we are meant to be.

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