Tuesday 20 March 2012

Where there is a will, there is a way

Have you ever seen a tree root miraculously find its way down a bank or even a rock face? Sending out seekers to find the earth. A place for it to root so it can nourish itself and grow. Despite the obstacles. Despite what looks like the impossible. A sure death because it has been choked of life. But it doesn’t give up. It perseveres until it finds the ground and roots itself. Sending signals to the rest of the roots on how to splinter off and find the ground too. And it does.  And they do. And before you know it, you have a  majestic strong tree growing out of an impossible place. Over a bank. Over a rock face. Refusing to give up. Redefining its reality. Defying death. Rebuilding itself. Adapting to its environment. Rooting, Earthing, Growing. Mighty and strong. Defying the odds.
I saw this very thing the other day on my family walk and marvelled at the site before my eyes. Captivated by this tree for turning the impossible into the possible. Redefining its existence such that it not only survived but thrived. Stronger than before because it had changed its way of being. Covering the rock face in its strong and lengthy roots. Coming over the face of the rock by at least 10 feet. Rooting itself into the sand below.
I stood and looked at this tree for the longest time. My husband and I wondering how it could be. Trying to find the right angle to capture this wonder of nature. But there was no angle that did this tree any justice. But I took the picture anyway. To remind myself that if this tree could adapt itself to the harsh and hostile environment it originally found itself in but did not give up, so could I. So could we.  Seeing how it had redefined itself so that it could thrive. Reminding me there is nothing that can hurt me unless I allow it to. Nothing that can stop me unless I allow it. Nothing that is impossible unless I believe it to be.
Just like this tree adapted and did not die so can I. So can you. So can we all. As long as we have the willpower and foresight to find a place to root we will always flourish. This tree, the epitome of adapt or die, provided me with an invaluable lesson I won’t forget. Where there is a will, there is a way.

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