Wednesday 28 August 2013

When jealousy rears its ugly head

Jealousy is one of the worst traits we carry as human beings because it limits our scope. Limits us. Cuts us off from love because it forces us to hate. To resent. To find fault rather than joy.
When jealousy rears its ugly head, we must examine what it is about ourselves that makes us feel so inadequate that we would do anything to diminish another’s accomplishments and achievements to make us believe we are more superior. But what we don’t realise is when we do whatever we can to make ourselves feel more superior, the only person we are diminishing is ourselves.
Jealousy does not improve our circumstances and neither does it do anything to shift our karma or outcome. It does not reshape where we are. As a matter of fact, it keeps us glued to exactly where we are because we are so consumed with it that we cannot see the opportunities and gifts we have all the time. Instead we become focussed on bringing down the other person that we end up bringing down ourselves. We end up on a mission of what st going on outside of us rather than focusing on what is happening inside of us.
Jealousy is an ego driven emotion that wants all the limelight to be on us rather than shared. Jealousy stops us from seeing and understanding that sometimes we will be up and sometimes we will be down. Sometimes we will lead and sometimes we will be led. Sometimes we will win and sometimes we will lose. Sometimes it is our turn to be on centre stage and other times it is the turn of others.
And when we accept we are always being tested by the Universe to see what it is we truly want out of life, we will learn that jealousy has no place in our lives. That it is there only to keep us away from our own strengths by keeping us bogged down by our own weakness. And not the weakness of others.
When we become mired in jealousy nothing about us feels good causing us to project dark energy. Repelling people from us rather than attracting them to us. When jealousy is directed against us and people do and say things to try to diminish us what we must tell ourselves is that is their lesson to learn, their karma to inherit and their trial to endure. It has nothing to do with us at all. Just with them.
As long we are living our lives with integrity, truth and from a place of genuine love and light, no amount of falseness, jealousy or mal intent can ever touch us or hurt us. When we are living our lives as authentically as we can, “sticks and stones may break our bones but names will never hurt us”. Unless we invite them in. Allow them in.
So whenever we feel that ego driven emotion of jealousy rearing its head, we are being asked to examine the image we see in the mirror to determine what it is about ourselves we need to learn, to tackle, to surmount. It is never about the other person. It is always about us. Our feelings of lack and inadequacy. And once we learn this, we will see and understand there is enough abundance in this world, enough love and light in our universe, that there is no need for any of us to try to hog the spotlight, to try to diminish the light of others in order to illuminate our own.

What we learn most of all is when we try to diminish the light of another, we are diminishing our own light because we are all of the same light – the One Source. So rather than try to diminish, we need to help to illuminate such that collectively we can all shine as brightly as we are meant to. If only we would remember this when jealousy rears its ugly head because if we did our lives would be that much easier. That much brighter. Full of love and light. Imagine just how liberating that would be. Namaste

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