Friday 30 August 2013

Happy Anniversary to my blog!

My blog turned two years old two days ago and I was so busy commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King’s 50th anniversary for his “I have a Dream” speech that I overlooked my own dream come true. My own baby. Forgot to even think of what August 28 means to me.
I am so chuffed that my blog began on the same day albeit some 48 years later that Dr. King delivered his speech about dreams. Chuffed because his speech was given in the same year I was born then for us to share the same date for beginning our dreams in spite of the time span makes me feel really good about what I am doing.
I started this blog because I wanted a place to write that would encourage me with my everyday trials as well as have the ability to share those trials and lessons with others to allow myself and anyone who chooses to read my blog to know we are all the same. We sometimes feel really good about where we are going in life and other times we don’t. Sometimes we feel confident about our abilities and other times we don’t. Sometimes we feel like we can climb any mountain. Other times just the thought of another mountain makes us want to give up.
When I started my blog, I was so nervous that I would be putting myself out there to be attacked. Criticised. And people would question who I think I am writing a blog. Question what was so important about what I have to say. I used to sit and wait for comments. Sit and wait for people to like what I said. Sit and wait for feedback. And at first I used to get upset when no one liked what I said. When I got no feedback because then I thought I was failing everyone else.
But what I had to tell myself over time, my blog is for my growth and if it helps anyone else along the way it is a bonus but not a necessity. Writing this blog every except Sunday is like writing in my gratitude journal every single night, both help me to grow more as an individual. As a woman. Writing my blog is more out in the open while writing my grateful journal is more private but both allow me to accept so much more about myself. Allow me to accept so much more about other people. Allow me to know when I have to let go and when I have to fight hard to hold on.
So here I am two years later and I am still writing my blog and I feel really proud that I am. It has become a daily part of my existence. My life experience has become richer because I am constantly aware of the stories of my life. I am constantly intrigued by something. Storing it in the deep recesses of my brain to write about when the time is right.
Sometimes writing my blog is tough going because I am hesitant about what I want to share. Hesitant because I know there are some who read my blog to see what is going on in my life – not necessarily with the best intentions but rather to keep tabs on me. But what I have decided is I have to just let go. Let my writing flow without thinking about what anyone else has to say as this blog is my journey of love and light. Not of malice and darkness. It is one that I hope touches as many people as it does me.
Two years of writing this blog. Wow. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday that I began this journey. Other days it feels like I have been writing it all my life. It has taught me discipline and endurance as well as having thick skin. To my loyal and open followers I thank you for encouraging me every day with your comments whether constant or occasionally. I feel your presence and your encouragement every time I sit down to write and for you, I am truly grateful.

Signing off today proud of my ability to write this blog every day except Sunday for the last two years and still going. For how long I don’t know but for now I am pleased as to where I am with my journey of love and light blog. Amazing grace. How sweet is that? 

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