Thursday 15 August 2013

I lost my blog this morning in order to find my way again

The strangest thing happened to me this morning, I wrote a blog and really felt it resonated with me. Yet when I putting the finishing touches on my masterpiece, I lost the whole document. Don’t know how I managed to do that yet. And it did not auto save. I went back and searched and searched for my beautiful blog to no avail. It was just not there. Gone. Disappeared into the ether.  Leaving me astonished, shaken up, taken aback by the fact that I had lost my blog. Disappointed because I felt like it emanated from my inner core. My essence self. So how could it have disappeared?
I am a firm believer that we are always where we are meant to be. Always experiencing what we are meant to be experiencing even in our darkest moments. Particularly when we are in our darkest moments because it is then that the Universe is asking us to go really deep. To really stop and listen to what our inner cores is telling us. To push aside the ego as best we can so we can go deep within to listen to what our inner core is asking us to do. Not what our ego self wants us to do.
And as I was contemplating this I accepted the blog I had written though it was heartfelt, today was not the day to put it out it out there. The time was not right for it to be revealed yet and more importantly it was taken from me so I could see that it was not really meant for me to share at this present time.  And though I still felt a semblance of disappointment that my blog was gone, I know that what I am writing now is the lesson I am meant to be learning right now.
And the lesson that came through for me is when the time is right, all will fall into place as it is meant to do. Not when I demand it to nor when I try to direct it to but only when it is meant to as happened to me this morning. When I am being led down a path that does not feel right, I have to listen to my inner voice telling me it’s not right because if I don’t I will end up in the wilderness wondering how I got there. As was shown to me when my blog vanished into the ether and I was left in the dark wondering what I was meant to write about and what I was meant to do.
So I stopped and listened even more and what I heard was if I am honest with myself I know that the blog I had written left me feeling very angry and resentful about a situation and I was trying to cleverly send a message that was not meant to be sent.
And what I realize more than anything was I am the one who received the greatest lesson today and that lesson is when our intentions are not pure, we will never receive the outcome we are seeking because as Rumi says, “what you are seeking is seeking you.” In other words, whatever intentions I put out there will come to get me.  Forcing me to accept I attract that which I am. Ironically the centering thought for the Oprah, Deepak meditation I listened to just before I wrote my blog.
The Universe was forcing me to see whatever circumstances I find myself in, I created that situation by inviting it into my life by an action I took, a statement I made, the energy I projected. And the only way I can stop attracting it or feeling like I am beating my head up against the wall is to change the energy I project. Only then will I be able to attract that which I really want into my life.

And for losing my blog this morning allowing me to learn to follow the path I know intuitively I am meant to follow rather than what where my head is telling me to go, I am truly grateful.  Blessed to be able to write Take 2 of my blog and really feel it. Learning first hand, the law of attraction is alive and well. I lost my blog in order to find my way again. Namaste.

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