Tuesday 20 August 2013

A lesson from a lost and returned iPod nano

Yesterday was one of those days when I felt perfectly aligned with spirit. When I felt like whatever I did, was right. Whoever crossed my path was meant to cross my path. The lessons I was meant to learn I did without questions. Yesterday was one of those days when I understood and accepted and fully got that the Divine spirit is within me, within all of us because we are the Divine.
It started with the radiant light of the morning waking up. Shimmering off the windows of my home, Dazzling. Almost like the outside was on fire and the fire was trying to reach my heart. My soul. My spirit. Move beyond my physical self to my essence self. The light was so bright that I at first thought there was a fire outside. Only to look outside to see it was the sun making its presence known as it rose in the East and cast its light throughout my yard. Filling me with rays of light. Rays of love. Rays of gratitude and understanding. I  inhaled that light and felt blessed to wake up and witness its dawning.
I left my home feeling infused with energy. Feeling like there was nothing beyond my capabilities. Feeling truly blessed. Such that later on in the afternoon when I received a phone call from my daughter’s camp that she had lost her iPod nano, I did not panic. Did not get upset. Did not feel angry with her that she had lost it. I accepted it for what it was. I surrendered the fact to the Universe. Feeling if it was meant to be lost, it would be lost. If it was meant to be found, it would be found.
I could hear my daughter sobbing in the background because her music is on the iPod nano for her dance routine she is practicing for a show she is going to be in. I could feel her pain through the phone. I told the counselor to tell her it was all right. We would find a solution. I then asked them to tell me all the places they had been. I also called my nieces because they had taken her to her camp that morning and asked them where they had gone. They told me they had stopped in a bathroom before dropping my daughter off. Instantly I knew she had left her iPod nano in the bathroom.
When I went to pick her up, she immediately burst into tears when she saw me. Apologising over and over again for losing her iPod nano. Telling me she could not practise her routine because she had lost her music. Her little face was broken. Her shoulders were sagging. I hugged her and told her it was all right. We would either find it or replace it.
I asked her if she remembered going to the bathroom in the morning and if she remembered leaving her iPod nano there. Her whole face brightened and she said, “Yes I did mommy. I left it on the toilet roll holder.”
I told her that there was a possibility that it was gone because that had been 9.30 in the morning when it was now 4.30 in the afternoon. She begged me to go and check to see if it was still there. My niece asking me to check there as well. Despite my skepticism about looking, once I dropped my daughter off at here next class, I went to the Washington Mall to see if her iPod nano was still in the bathroom. It was not. I popped into the shop of one of my friends and told her the story about my daughter losing her nano. She called the people that run the mall and asked them if anyone had turned in an iPod nano.
Much to my surprise and joy, someone had in fact turned in my daughter’s nano. But if I am honest, deep in my heart I knew it would be found because of how I had started the day. Because I had expressed gratitude for being here. For the beauty of the day. The world reflected back to me what I was projecting and that is why my daughter’s nano was returned.
We attract that which we project and yesterday was a perfect example of that for me. I had my faith restored in humanity and in myself yesterday when my daughter’s nano was returned. To see the joy and relief on her face was equally priceless when she found out she had not lost her nano. As was her faith restored as well. We were both shown the gifts of abundance so freely available in the Universe when our hearts and souls are open and when we have faith, love and light.

To the good Samaritan who returned my daughter’s iPod nano, I am truly grateful. You may be nameless but our souls connected because they were meant to. Thank you for teaching me first hand that life gives us exactly what we need all the time and gives us back exactly what we give out. Here’s to another day of gratitude, love and light. Namaste.

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