Thursday 10 January 2013

When I listen to the silence of my heart

What happens when I listen to the silence of my heart?
A peace unlike any other comes over me
A serenity that exists within me all the time comes to the surface
A love stronger than any other rushes through my being
Filling me up and spilling out into the Universe
Because when I listen to the silence of my heart
I know without a doubt
I am a being of love
A being of light
A being of prosperity and peace
Because when I listen to the silence of my heart
I close out the ego
Shut out the negativity
All the conflict and strife
And open myself to the flow of the abundance that is readily available to me
To all of us
I surrender to all that is
And don’t question what isn’t
I accept I am a part of the whole
And there is really nothing to worry about
Because when I am living a life of virtue
A life of faith
A life of love
Then all that is will be
Even when I don’t get what I thought was mine
Even when I am on a path that is unknown
When I listen to the silence of my heart
I know the path I am on
Even if frightening
Even if undefined
Is exactly where I need to be
To learn the lessons I came here to learn
When I listen to the silence of my heart
There is nothing that frightens me
Nothing that causes me angst
Because I understand I am all that I am
Because of each bridge I have crossed
Because of each person that has come into my life
Because of each loss I have experienced
Because of every victory I have achieved
When I listen to the silence of my heart
I am at peace
I am love
I am light
I am possibility
I am infinity
Because listening to the silence of my heart
Allows me to surrender to all that is
Embracing all that will be
By grounding me in the present
Giving me wings to know
I am because I am
Listening to and surrendering to the silence of my heart
Fills me with gratitude and love
Surrender and hope
Faith and abundance
Because I am in the flow of the abundance of the universe
When I listen to the silence of my heart

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