Saturday 12 January 2013


Grief comes in waves
Washing over us
When we least expect
Asking us to surrender
To the pain
To the loss
To the darkness
Forcing us to our knees
To acknowledge
What we have lost
Sinking us into the pit of despair
Calling us out
When we think
We can grieve no more
When we think
The pain has passed
Grief comes back again
To remind us of what we had
Asking us to surrender
To the depths of despair
Washing over us
Again and again
Sometimes every day
Other times every week
Sometimes every year
Grief asks us to listen
To our hearts
Open our hearts
Grieve for all that was
Then it recedes leaving us breathless
But grateful for the memory
Of the pain of our loss
Taking us back to the way things were
Allowing us space to know
What we lost was real
Even when others forget
We never do
Because grief comes back to remind us
So instead of pushing grief aside
Instead of pretending it does not exist
Embrace grief when it comes
Even when we least expect
Because grief help us
To heal
To feel
To know
What we lost was real
Giving us the ability
To love again
Trust again
Because we know
What we lost
Always in our hearts
In our souls
In our memories
Reminding us that we are more 
Than the physical
More than what we see
Grief allows us a glimpse
Into the well of infinity
Where existence does not cease
But moves on to a different dimension
Washing over us in the form
Of grief
Asking us not to let go
Of the memory of what was
Because we are always connected
Sometimes through a phrase
Sometimes through an action
Sometimes through a piece of music
Sometimes through the sound of the wind
The sound of the rain
Sometimes through the face of another
Grief always come back
Not to close our hearts
Not to keep us in the dark
But to set us free
To spread our wings
To know that what we lost
Forevermore remains

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