Saturday 19 January 2013

Sat Chit Ananda

When our souls cry out for the more. When  our heart bleeds for love. When our journey becomes lost to the destination. That’s when it is time to turn inward. To listen to our soul. To our inner voice. To all that is.
And this morning I was led to a beautiful and soul awakening, spirit soaring and blissful meditation by Gabrielle Forleo through the Deepak Chopra meditation series. Her meditation was entitled, Affirming Wellbeing through Mantras. And as I listened to her soothing voice and felt her words flow through my being all the tension in my body oozed out. My eyes filled with tears. Tears of pure bliss and joy. Not sad tears. But tears of inspiration and love.
Gabrielle said that mantras are the vehicles of the mind capable of creating transformation from the inside out. Simply by incorporating mantras and positive affirmations in our daily lives, we are capable of shifting our lives in any way we desire.
She reminded me we are the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become. Let me repeat that message again because it is a powerful one. What we think we become.  Our inner dialogue will affect our experience and outlooks of the world. Because what we think we attract.
So when we are feeling lost as I have been the last few weeks, it is best to reconnect to our inner most selves. To the all that is. And for me connecting using mantras to hear my inner dialogues is what shapes my reality. My new way of thinking.
This morning’s meditation used the powerful mantra,  Sat Chit Ananda. A mantra I love because it resonates so deep within my soul. So deep within my spirit. So deep within me. And the reason it does is because of its meaning. A meaning from the elders. From the wizen sages that have gone before us.
Sat means truth. Freedom from all limitation
Chit means total knowledge. Spontaneous knowing in our lives
Ananda  means bliss. Total happiness and fulfillment.
Gabrielle said Sat Chit Ananda means my soul is free from limitations. My soul has spontaneous knowing. My soul exists in complete fulfillment. My inner dialogue reflects the fire in my soul. My inner dialogue reflects the fire in my soul. And that’s when I felt the peace flow through me. The possibility return to my soul. The fear replaced with love. The questions replaced with letting go because I realize all my fear has been based on the destination. Closing me out on enjoying the journey, the experiences, the encounters along the way that may lead me to where I need to go.
Teaching me to let go off all that I have no control over and focus on the fact that I am Sat Chit Ananda. I am truth. I am knowledge. I am total bliss. I am because I am and I am able to shift my inner dialogue to reflect the life I want. To reflect the experiences I want to have. To be as I am meant to be. How liberating is that. How midlife awakening is that. When we listen to our inner thoughts, we are always led to the answers we seek. Always. Namaste.
@Gabrielle Forleo
@Deepak Chopra
@Sat Chit Anadan

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