Friday 25 January 2013

Blood on our hands

Yesterday morning, my little Island home woke up to yet another killing, a double murder of two young black males. Shocking our senses. Most of us wondering why and when this will stop.
Last night as I was ending my day I wrote the following:

There is blood on our hands
Each one of us
There is blood flowing down our streets
Staining them and everything in its wake
Blotting out the colors of nature
Obscuring the natural beauty
The natural order
The natural hues
Replacing them with chaos
And fear
Staining our society
Our brains
Our creativity
Our environment
Many are asking why?
Many are questioning
How can we stop this?
When and how will this end?
The senseless killings
The senseless loss of lives
The senseless rage
The only way we can
Is through forgiveness
Through peace
Through love
Through community
No more tit for tat
No more pursuit of the mighty dollar
At the expense of everyone else
At the expense of everything else
No more hoarding, cavorting or parading
Instead we need to listen to the sound of silence
Give ourselves the time to hear the sound of the nothingness that is the all
In order for us to embrace the simplicities of life
The natural order
The balance that is the all
How can we do this?
By turning off the televisions
Turning off the computers
Turning off the radioes
The IPads and IPods
The androids and the tablets
Shutting off the cell phones
The excess noise that does not serve us anymore
And go outside
And breathe
In and out
Slowly and deliberately
Taking in the fact that we are products of our environments
What we see
What we hear
What we feel
Comes from the environments we are in
So we need to change our environments
To go back outside
To see the natural beauty that is waiting for us
Every single day
Outside the doors of our homes
Outside the prisons that have become our minds
Filled with media junk
Open our eyes again to the myriad of colors
The wonderful scents
The beauty of the world we inhabit
This planet called Earth
We need to sensitize our senses again
So we stop the desensitizing that is happening to our youth
So they can stop thinking they are not worthy
Because if they believe they are not worthy
Then who in their minds is worthy?
No one
Not even them
That’s why they kill
That’s why they hate
Because they do not know peace
They do not know love
They do not understand they are a part of nature
A part of the whole
They do not know who they are
Outside of what the television
The computers
The advertising machines
Are feeding them
Telling them
Recruiting them to move away from the whole
Away from their centers
We need to reign them back in
Embrace them
Show them
Reeducate them on how to love self
How to appreciate self
In order for them to love another
To appreciate another
To understand they are as much a part of our community as we are
Bring them back from their world of darkness
Killing games
And advertising junk
Because if we don’t
If we fail
We will all be crying for mercy
Mothers lamenting the loss of their sons
Fathers the tragedy of their loss
Siblings the ripping away of their siblings
Children the experience of their fathers
Asking why
We have blood on our hands
Blood running down our streets
Staining the beauty of all that is
Until there is no more
I don’t want this fate
I’m sure neither do you
It’s up to all of us
To help
To stop
To be the change we want to see
One day at a time
From a place of love
From a place of light
From a place of peace
From a place of nonjudgment
One person at a time
Breathing in and out
Stoking our inner fire
Clearing our inner spirit
Changing our environment
Making way for love and peace and understanding
Allowing each one of us to accept
We each have a responsibility to ourselves and to others
To rebuild our community
Our sense of belonging
Our sense of acceptance
Because we can finally understand
We are made up of more than our body, mind and spirit
We are also made up of our environment.
Greatly impacting our experience
Shifting it away from the blood on our hands
The blood running down the streets
Staining our environment
To one of beauty
Love and peace.

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