Monday 7 November 2011

Trust revisited

“Somewhere in between the ‘no longer’ and ‘not yet’ is trust.” Temple Hayes
This is my mantra for today. I have to trust myself and my instincts to make decisions that resonate with me. I can’t live my life for others because in the process I will lose me. And if that happens, I will not be good for anyone let alone myself.
In the process of making decisions, we all have to reconcile that once we move away from something, close the door on it, we are immediately thrust into the ‘no longer’ stage followed closely behind by the ‘not yet’ stage. The ‘not yet’ phase takes much longer and it is this window that challenges us the most because we are forced to learn patience, learn the lesson(s) as to why we are no longer in that space, and we must delve deep into who we really are and what we want next.
I woke up this morning feeling just as windy and stormy as the weather outside. After dropping my children off I drove slowly back home thinking about what it is I need to release today. I then drove into my driveway – a driveway I love because I always think I am in an Enchanted World when I turn into my gates. Turning into my gates always fills me with wonder. It always startles me how I can turn off a busy main road into an oasis of tranquillity and peace as I am embraced by a tree lined driveway, with birds chirping, and flowers blooming.
Today I couldn’t help but noticing how beaten everything looked, whipped from the wind but still standing bending and flexing. Some leaves were burnt while others lay brown and dead on the ground. The vivid green I am used to seeing was duller because everything is fighting to stay alive. To weather the storm. My serene setting had been changed in a couple of days as a result of the stormy weather but the trees are still standing buffeting themselves from the whipping winds knowing this weather will pass and all they need to do is bear it the best way they can and have the patience and wherewithal to weather the storm. Knowing their beauty will return stronger than before. And for this knowingness I am truly grateful.
And I will hold near to my heart today the lesson once again presented to me in its simplest form by nature affirming Temple Hayes quote, “Somewhere in between the ‘no longer’ and ‘not yet’ is trust.”

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