Friday 4 November 2011

On the Write Track

I woke up this morning feeling so inspired so uplifted and ready to take this writing challenge on - head on.
I feel like I have angels by my side guiding me encouraging me, leading me on.
I read a bit of my novel to my husband this morning and he loved it and all I was doing was writing. Not thinking about it. Letting the main character speak to me and develop as she saw fit. A lesson to me about life, my husband, my children and the people I encounter. Life is all about letting people develop and become who they are meant to be without us putting our expectations on them. Just like with writing once we allow expectations in, everything stalls and it becomes that much more difficult to move on.
After I read to my husband, I began to feel so good about my writing that I started thinking too much about the outcome. I am now at a particularly difficult part of my novel because I want the character to do one thing but I can feel that’s not where she wants to go because my writing has become less fluid than it was. So I decided to take a break, check my emails and breathe.
The first email I opened was from the Hay House called, ‘Your Writing Life’ and it is the Premiere Edition. Your Writing Life is described on the site as “a quarterly newsletter for all who have a passion for writing, speaking and taking your book, your product and your business to the next level”. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing or reading! The synchronicities of life never cease to amaze me.
The guest author was Dr. Wayne Dyer. When I read his column, I instantly knew I was being delivered a message from one of my angels. Dr. Dyer’s message was all about how people can get their message out there by writing and he said, “” all hinges on what Abraham Maslow taught me many years ago when I was a young doctoral student. He told me to put forth what I wanted, my work, my message, and then detach from the outcome.
“This is true for any life work because the work itself must be what is satisfying and fulfilling for you. Writing is challenging work because it's so easy to get consumed with how it's going, what's going to happen to it, who's going to like or not like it. You want to get all of that stuff out of your head and just let the work flow. If you incarnated to be a writer, if that is your passionate calling, then you'll be getting messages from Source, from Spirit, leading you in that direction.”
After reading and getting this message, I know more than ever that when we are truly on the right path, doors open unexpectedly. Angels and spirit guides pop out of the least likely places lending us a helping hand, guiding us to where we need to be. I am so open to the Universe right now and for this I am truly, truly grateful.
Thank you Dr. Dyer and the Hay House for being my angels today and for letting me know that if I want to meet this writing challenge I have to let go off the outcome and just let my writing flow. So off I go back to my novel...

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