Wednesday 30 November 2011

Sometimes we have to know when to give up

Sometimes giving up isn’t a form of weakness; it’s realizing you deserve so much more, it’s a form of strength.” The Boxx1
This is one of the most profound statements I have read in a long time. It is up there with the quote by Steve Jobs when he said, “It’s not what we do in life, it’s what we don’t do.”
Sometimes in life you have to know when to walk away, know when to run in a lot of cases in order to preserve your dignity and your honour. Sometimes when you are down and out the greatest challenges come to test you to see what you are made of and what you will and will not take. It is these challenges that help to define who we really are and sets us on the path for the next stage of our lives. These challenges also help us to close the door on whatever it is we definitely do not want in our lives and sometimes this stage can be tough because it’s tough to walk away without exactly knowing what’s next. However it is this trying stage that allows us to free space for our greater opportunity to present itself.
Sometimes people mistake stillness, inaction and walking away as signs of desperation or weakness because we live in a world where everything is immediate and people tend to react before they even know what they really want. The wise people are the ones who take the time to reassess where they are in their lives and what brought them to that stage before they do anything. They are aware of the noise made by others but they do not allow this noise to interfere with their desire to learn the lesson they are meant to learn. They care about what people have to say about them but they do not let their comments drag them down. They understand that they have to retreat, to give up, to just let the chatter around them die down so they can listen to their own inner compasses and be guided by them to where they need to go next.
After the period of giving up passes and the lesson is learned, it is only then that these people resurface much stronger, refreshed, free of old baggage, with a clearer picture of where they need to be because they know they are worthy and are able to accept that they are deserving of the greater gift that is coming their way.

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