Friday 25 November 2011

Finding the rainbows in every cloud

Hamilton was buzzing this morning because Bermuda has introduced the American Black Friday shopping sales. There were people everywhere. Normally I can get in and out when I go in early because everyone is at work. This morning was different.
I was looking for miniature pom poms for my daughter because she has decided she wants to make her own Christmas cards for her class which I think is wonderful. As I was walking from store to store trying to find these pom poms , I bumped into several people I have not seen for a long time. One out of three people I spoke to told me they had been made redundant from their jobs – some have been able to find part time employment while others have not been able to find anything.
I felt really sad for these people because though they had light in their eyes because of the excitement over shopping for Christmas and the sales, I could feel their sadness underneath of it all. I sent them as much love and light as I could as I can totally understand their feelings having been in the same position myself.
Then I bumped into one lady who had lost her job and she said she gets up every morning and says thank you Lord for another day and asks to be led to where she needs to go. She said her situation could be worse then smiled and walked away.
I stood on the spot for a moment watching the retreating back of that dignified lady and felt like I had been spoken to by an angel. My sadness lifted, a smile came on my face and you know what it is so true no matter what we may be going through there is always someone who is in a better or worse position than we are. So all we have to do is keep smiling, keep ourselves open and remember to give thanks for simply waking up in the morning.
As Maya Angelou says, there are always rainbows in heavy clouds; we just need to be open to see them.

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