Saturday 6 October 2012

Witnessing a simple act of love

The other night I fell in love all over again with my husband on a very deep level. I fell in love with my family again. On a very spiritual level. I fell in love again by realizing something so profound.
Love may always be there but it ebbs and flows. Sometimes not as deep as other times. Sometimes not as pronounced as other times. Sometimes deeper than we ever imagined possible.
Love comes in many different forms. Surprising us from where it may come. My renewed sense of love came from a very simple act by my husband with our daughter. I was in the shower when I heard a laughter that was so pure, so unadulterated, so blissful that it ran through my whole being. Awakening something deep within me. Curious to understand what was causing that beautiful and free laugher, I rushed to finish my shower and opened the bedroom door. And there before me was a sight to behold. A feeling to embrace.
Before my eyes was pure and nonjudgmental love. My husband and daughter lying on the bed together. She snuggled in my husband’s arms. He reading to her. The love that was shared between them filled the whole room infusing everything including me. Filling me with the joy and abandon they felt. Tears stinging my eyes. The laughter emanating from them was coming from a place deep within their beings. Of total understanding and embracing of heart love.
I looked at them both. Lingering on my husband and realized just how great of a man I chose to be my husband, partner, and father of my children. I realized with deep love and understanding that though we may not see eye to eye on many occasions, he is a man of great compassion, love and steadfastness. He is the foundation for my daughter’s understanding of what love is and feels like.
My heart filled with pure joy when I realized my daughter was being shown the power of pure love. Unconditional love that asks for nothing in return from her but to love and to be loved. My soul swelling knowing she is being given a solid foundation of what love is and should feel like without expectation. Praying that she will go out into the world not seeking love to make her whole but to know she is whole and she is love onto herself. That no one or nothing but her inner light and love can make her feel fulfilled.
Seeing she is getting that foundation of love from the love of her father and my husband filled me up with love. So I said a silent prayer of gratitude to the Universe and to myself for helping me to realize the power of love and the power of choice from the simple act of love between my husband and daughter reading together, sharing a moment together. Bringing forth the laughter from the soul filled with love. Without expectation.
What a sight to behold. Love is truly a wonderful and uplifting feeling especially when it comes from the heart. Without expectation.  And to love, my husband, my daughter, my family, and pure laughter I am truly grateful. 


  1. Thank you. Love and appreciating love sets us free to love and give more.
