Thursday 25 October 2012

Finding our bliss

I was saving this blog until I got the Internet back. Saving it for the time when I am seated at my desk writing my blog from my writing zone but then I realised it could be ages before that time comes. And while the thought is still fresh in my head and because it won't leave me, I decided to convey the message that is coming from a deep place within me about a documentary my Spiritual Mother lent me to watch. The documentary is called Finding Joe.
It is based on the teachings and beliefs of a man called Joseph Campbell. The premise of the documentary and Campbell's philosophy is about finding our bliss.
And rather than interpreting his philosophy I have decided to use some of the quotes that most resonated with me and they are as follows:
"Your bliss is your ultimate journey -  the thing you can not do."

If you go into the forest and there is already a trail then you know it's not your path because someone else has already done it. Find your own trail, your own path.

Ask yourself, what am I here to do?

"Follow your bliss."

Listen to your heart and find your truth.

"When you follow your bliss the Universe will open doors where there were only walls."

Why do most people not follow their bliss? According to Campbell, it's because we are worried about what people think of us so his philosophy is, "What will they think of me must be put aside for my bliss."

There are two roads in life:
1. The red road - tougher, narrower
2. The black road - straight, wide, easy.
Whichever road we take is our choice.

The one thing that keeps people smaller is fear. We each have our own dragon to slay. To get around this we have to stop anticipating what we will find. Instead we just have to go for it.

Fear is an inherent part of the human cycle. Courage is dealing with our fears. Courage is the ability to get up when we have fallen.

When we stop fighting ourselves, we open ourselves to possibility.

All that matters is how big we showed up and how courageous we were.

And that was the end of the messages that resonated with me after watching Finding Joe. Strong messages I obviously needed to be reminded of leaving me to believe the documentary could have been titled Finding Cathy or Finding anyone because each of us is trying to find our own bliss. That which we have been sent here to do. And I am so grateful to have found mine with writing and spreading love and light, peace, harmony and compassion. A gift I must continue to harness because without Bliss what is there to this life?

Here's to Finding and Living our Bliss.


  1. Love this. We are all on this journey. Some are awake...some are not. Thank you for sharing, we need to find the movie! xoxo

  2. Thanks ladies, it is a wonderful documentary. Full of wonderful insights. I didn't want it to end.
